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ginger 69

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ginger 69
have just started a job after six years on benefits. Am a single mother of three. Have been refused for a proper bank account many times, although i have credit and store cards without late/missed...
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Help! I have really sore ulcers mostly on my tongue and some inside mouth, they are so painful. As soon as I get rid of them I get a whole load of new ones. Bonjela helps for a while but not long and...
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My bf has ginger hair. . .mine is naturally dark brown. Anyway, his dad had jet black hair (apparantly black hair contains a lot of red pigment) which is obv why he was ginger. If I was to have a baby...
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ginger 69
what are the possible consequences for benifit fraud? and how can it be proved?
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ginger 69
Had to swerve out of the way for a very fast, bigger car yesterday, coming up a narrow hill with a bend and smashed my lovely little rover kensington (yes metro!!) into a wall. No one was hurt, except...
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Hey, I was wondering whether anyone had any tips on how to make plucking eyebrows any less painful. I wax my legs regularly and don't find that a problem, and I don't think I have a particularly low...
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Best jeans make for size 10, 34"? x x x
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who set lassiters alight? MUST be paul robinson, by the way he's acting all suspicious & trying to work out who other suspects may be. my friend's convinced that this is just a red-herring...
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Hi, I wanted to get VISA or Master card in UK but no luck as I have very bad credit history. Capital one asked ?200 deposit for a master card with ?200 credit limit adn %29.9 APR. It is no good to me...
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I live in the sea but cannot swim, fly but cannot land and eat but cannot sleep. What am I?
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Examples of ridiculous questions, please. F'rinstance, my sister once asked, "What time does the 24-hour garage close?" and she asked my dad what his brother's surname was. In a video shop yesterday,...
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A man walks in to the middle of the forest and sees a man standing there, on either side of him is two towns, one where all the people tell the truth and one where all the people tell lies. The man...
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I am a pregnant teenager and quite frankly I'm sick of the dirty looks I get from people on the street.  Why do so many people judge on how good a parent you will be by the years you have been...
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stressed out
Hello, i am concerned about my 14month little boy, for a week now he has had a cold and around the same time his back, chest and arms are covered in little bumps, not as rash as such but it feels like...
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ginger 69
since i am having mega difficulties getting a bank account with debit card im thinking of buying one prepaid on the net. Does anyone know how these work and whether its just a scam?
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No Einstein
Other than toysrus and mothercare, are there any good, reliable online shops for prams and baby goods? Where can I get a good deal on a Mountain Buggy for instance?
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hi im 13 , im am desparate for work because i need to get ?200 for a school trip which i am keen to visit. i relise you have to be 14 to work (with exeption of paper round) but would it be so illigal...
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ginger 69
has anyone applied for a secured credit card through one of those websites offering them but you have to pay?  if you checkout a few websites the name of this credit card company will come up...
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ginger 69
 As i continue in my struggle for a bank account offering a debit card for people with not too perfect credit history and low income ( i hate carrying cash!!) I have comme accross comething i...
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my friend went on holiday to turkey  in the summer and met a man who lived out there. they claimed to fall in love. she went out there again in nov and stayed with his family who think she's...

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