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As I was sat in my car this morning I saw a woman walking a skunk on a lead! Are skunks the trendy pet to own, & are they suitable to be kept as a pet?
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theres a lad i thought i liked. but don't. on thursday i kissed him. on friday i regretted it massively. yesterday i felt hideously sick whenever i thought about it and today i have less of an...
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i'm 13, can i date a girl that is 14? plz answer it's important
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my puppy is a miniture chuawa he is like 3 months old i got him a month ago he is useually a happy hyper perky puppy and he loves me and my wife a lot but about two days ago he got sick and was...
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Can a dog have x-rays whilst opposed to being put under a GA? These are planned x-rays....not emergency. Tia Lisa xxx
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Heya, right heres the thing, me and my ex and a couple of our mates hang around together! the point is i love my ex still but i have started really liking his mate(who just so happens to look like my...
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AB Asks
Research has announced that kissing means more to women than men. Women use it to assess a man as a partner, maintaining intimacy and for checking the status of a relationship. Do you agree with this?...
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We broke up cuz he is too busy to give me full time..he says its unfair to me....cuz he has his senior year, he has colleges too forcast and look for, he has football everyday, he soccer on the...
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Seems most men are in favour of the muslim full face veil. It solves the old age problem of where to wipe your dick after a blow job.
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Is anyone intersted in giving birth standing up?? It kinda makes sence - as gravity is moving down anyway - and ur standing up!! My birth classes REALLY helped, totally calmed my nerves - im due to...
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should a puppies nose always be wet
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Charlies Mum
My cat has recently broken 4 bones in his leg. The vets have managed to pin one of the bones but it is being left to a splint to try and repair the other 3 bones as they couldn't pin them at the time....
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how can i stop my 3 house cats from scratching my door frames?
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Hi folks. Does anyone have a fear of spiders like myself. I can deal with anything I am hit with in this world, but got up this morning to be faced with the biggest spider I have ever seen. I mean...
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hi all, i met someone a cupple of months ago and it was going pretty well, but last month or so were rough and i wanted to end it many times but didnt as i felt he was too needy and always made me...
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O.k. my problem is that, I have this huge crush on someone I know really well, And they don't know it but I'm not sure if they feel the same way, but I try to tell myself that It would'nt work but I...
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How long does it take to get over your ex if i have been with him for 1 and a half years
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Does anyone believe in this or have experienced it?? I cant imagine falling in love with someone when I first meet them or even after a very short amount of time. Lust maybe but not love.
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A Texan walks into a pub in Ireland and clears his voice to the crowd of drinkers. He says, "I hear you Irish are a bunch of hard drinkers. I'll give $500 American dollars to anybody in here who can...
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"I'd like to buy a horth" he says to the owner of the farm. "What sort of horse?" said the owner. "A female horth" the dwarf replies. So the owner shows him a mare. "Nithe horth." says the dwarf, "Can...

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