may be changing jobs and getting a company car. Have up to ?373 per month based on 20k miles per annum fully maintained. Need comfort, economy and safety. Looked at X Series Jag and also new Passat....
young asian girl was assulted real bad at secondary school by white girl, it was racial attack. she beet her up so badly that girl fainted due to multible injuries accured eg: broken
Has anyone successfully resold their timeshare contract. We bought it in 2000 for a 23 year period and have been to it every year (it is in Malta) but due to ill health (lung disease) I don't travel...
my friend recived a ?80 fix penalty notice for a minor theft of ?5.24 but he gave the wrong name and adress to the police officer, if he gose in to the police station and admit that it was him can he...
My partner takes drugs for what he calls sexual enhancement. Namely speed/cocaine, i have 2 children under 4. Iwork evenings and he has tthem while i am at work. He is on a high most evenings, i have...
I am in the process of getting a new job but they have to do a credit check. I am only 17 and have never had any bad credit. Would anyone else that lives in my hosuehold affect my credit check or is...
Does anybody know of a recent court case where a cohabitee has taken her ex partner to court for a share of his house on the grounds of intent but did not get awarded anything
A debt collecting company has brought an old debt from barclay loan which is over six years old.I have already got a ccj for it ,which i thought was long gone.I have since had a clear credit history...
i was caught by a gatso twice in one minute of each other doing the same speed on the same road , these cameras were 0.5 of a mile apart,is this one or two offences,and is there a certain distance...
How can I stop my windscreen wiper blades from squeaking / screeching as they go across my windscreen. It's driving me mad. I have cleaned the glass and replaced the blades but after a few weeks they...
This might seem rather petty and silly, but this morning. A person in our office, who hasn't been in our team all that long, brought in a bacon sandwich for everyone apart from me. It wasnt as though...
I have been from my ex partner for 8 years and havent spoken for at least 4 years. I have 3 teenage boys with him who dont have much to do with him. Last week there was an arguement between my two...
I was arrested on suspicion of being drunk in charge of a motor vehicle, I was taken to a police station and breathalised, the reading was 57, I was told I would revieve a summons to court in about 3...
If a police employee was involved in a criminal trial ( defendant ) and evidence of previous convictions of a prosecution witness was disclosed by the prosecution ( CPS ) to the defence. Would the...
My '96 mondeo diesels' heating system has packed up. The temperature gauge isn't reading any higher than usual, there's plenty of water in the coolant bottle, the fan works perfectly but there's no...
i have been trying to get a job as a domestic plumber for the last three months every intervew i have been to seamed all right at the time then you get the i have a lot to inervew i let you no by the...
Hi, can anyone tell me what recruitment agencies organisations like the Home Office/the Met Police etc contact to take on temporary admin and support staff. I have recently done a criminology degree...
I'm really struggling to get into the fire service. I have mastered everything else, the ladder climb, the rat run, the ladder pull, and hose running etc, but i cannot, for the life of me, master the...