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If someone has a criminal conviction, how long does it last on their criminal record? Is there a certain amount of time to wait until that person has a clear criminal record?
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If someone has a criminal conviction how long is it until it is removed from their records?
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Good god it's quiet on here!! Okay,here we go.Last night what did you? 1. Eat and drink 2.Watch on TV 3.Wear in bed 4.Was it your own bed? ; ) 5. Did you go straight to sleep?? ; ) ; )
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My friends sister was charged with shoplifting at the weekend, they took ?22.00 worth of stuff and got caught, they got charged and now have a pending conviction. They admitted it, put their hands up,...
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hi everyone,i'm compiling a music quiz with the words hot or cold in the song title or artist or group name,anyone help i've got 14 thanks andy got to get 20
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What is a nice trendy perfume for a 21 year old hip female? Bloody christmas.
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I'm having really bad trouble at the mo with this, sometimes still being wide awake at 3am!!Annoying to say the least! Has anyone got any fool proof suggestions on what might help?
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Well lets start off with the story.My husband and i never fought.It was rare if we did.We moved to alaska which was the worst thing ever.Thats a story of its own.Moved back home.We were very bitter...
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Someone told me today that you can have up to 10lb in weight of waste matter in your bowel at any given time. Is there a healthy way of getting rid of this without the need for an enema?
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About three weeks ago a separated wife of a friend wanted to do some extra work to pay for a better Christmas (she is a kept woman, even after the separation and has two kiddies under 7). Her plan was...
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Well he hasn't asked me out. We have been chatting though and I've found out that his name is Mark, he's 37, he's got a 19 year old son and a 6 year old daughter, he's a weekend and bank holiday dad...
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Hello everybody! I consider myself pretty clued up about sex, etc. but a friend of mine has me a bit confused. She slept with man a couple of days ago and we were gossiping about it, as you do. She...
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Not that I am a cheapskate, but I have just spent 10 minutes of my time and am about to receive loads of free health and beauty stuff. Why not?
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I'm in love with a bloke - unfortunately (as far as I'm aware) its completely unreciprocated. He's occupying my thoughts from when I wake up to when I go to sleep and I've completely lost the ability...
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whats the best piece of advice you ever have been given
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to live without passion,disire,trust,lust,exitement,,butterflies in your belly,charm,affection, for the sake of what is to be belived as a feeling of love?
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Ive just found out there is a grass in my work, a fully fledged squeal that tells tales to management. Does anyone else share in my hatred for grasses? Grrrr
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Felt really close to a person of the oposite sex althought being hapily married and you don't feel pysically attracted to the friend person but have a connection or feel at ease with them....
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In tune with the earlier post about hair do you think that older women look odd with long hair and if so, at what age do you think they should cut it. I am 40 with hair down to my bra strap but I...
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We have a glass staircase in our office which leads up to 2 floors. It could only have been designed by a man, couldn't it? And we know what he was probably thinking about when he designed it!! Every...

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