Hello I dont have very much money but I would like to get a nice pair of sunglasses, not ray bands just a nice black pair of safe Glasses which will protect my eyes for the summer, any one know of any...
i want your opinion about the actors that you like the most and the respective movies you think they gave the performances of their lives. For me i think it was Edward Norton in 25th hour, Denzel in...
Do any of you still remember hurtful things said to you as children? My grandmother , at my sister's wedding , said I would never make such a lovely bride. It was obvious my sister got the looks and I...
What is the most outrageous lie you have ever told or ever heard of? (I could lie and say I need to know for important research but really it's because I'm dead nosy).
For anyone who saw my question - 'how many posts' in AB Suggestions this is the follow on, to work out the average age of Abers (and get loads and loads of posts! Ha ha). I'll get the ball...
Just been reading a post regarding right/left handed children. It made me wonder how many ABer's are left or right handed. Hope tha'ts ok Ed! BTW - I'm left handed & left footed.
Who decided it should be women who have to remove their body hair and not men? Isn't it enough that we have to go through childbirth and periods without the extra hassel and pain?
if you download an album does that count to the album chart? if you download an album that includes a current single does the single get counted to the singles chart? & what about downloading old...
If Labour introduce Identity cards - would ex-pats have to have an English one, being as we are still British, - living in Spain I have to have a Spanish identity card - and personally I think it's a...
http://www.whoshouldyouvotefor.com/ try this site for an idea of whose policies fit you best (ps. I reckon its a lib dem stitch-up as everyone in our office came out as that!)
Does anyone else like to keep away the mundanities of life with a little anarchy? I enjoy paying for 3 or 4 GROCERY items at the cigarette counter of Sainsbury's (woah - I don't even...
Has anyone been through one/ Know someone who has. I've decided to go under the knife myself and would appreciate any advice/ good websites/ info on healing times/ feedback etc. Anything...
My daughter keeps installing Messanger 7.0 as a chat room - and it keeps messing up the system - also the Sims expansion pack does the same - is there any safe way of using these?