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What is the Romance root of the words for beautiful/pretty in French ('belle') and Italian ('bello'). Surely not the Latin for war?
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When waking up having had, the previous night, a very, very large dinner (without alcohol), one tends to feel very, very hungry - far hungrier than if one had had simply an adequate amount of food....
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How can you find out what the moon rising for your horoscope is?
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What is in the ink for syringing into people's skin for tattoos made from?
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Why do you see white when your eyes are close and something startles you?
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My friend Keith says that his voice is often far deeper, and he can reach lower tones in the morning after having gone out for a long time (including drinking). Why? How?
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Who are those elderly gentlemen in the Wannabe video by the Spice Girls? Simply astonishing.
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Why is it that a man finds it harder to orgasm when he has drunk alcohol?
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My friend Keith's lips always go purple when he drinks red wine; is there anything he can do to stop this from happening? He doesn't wipe his lips before and after every sip/gulp.
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Don't people agree that after United States being often placed at the top of an alphabetical list of countries, United Kingdom should be second?
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I am thinking of London in particular, but when did they change all the original paving stones - was it a post-war thing? There are still some streets that have lovely original stone, but now all the...
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Some 10p coins have ever so slightly different widths from others - so how do they all get recognised in vending machines?
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On the tube, why do Jubilee line trains make that particular droning noise, not heard on any of the other trains?
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I'm trying to find the phrase that has to do with being present, for example, at a meal, but not doing much while you're there, something like, 'present at the lunch', but it's not that. It's better.
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I heard a song a long time ago with a woman singing (operatically rather than a pop song) with her music changing into birdsong very effectively. Does anyone know the piece?
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My friend Keith sometimes sees a little red blob in a chicken's egg. Is this a baby chicken?
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Does anyone know the name of the poet who wrote a poem called 'Conversation Piece', with images of a hotel room, a rat, moonlight, and chairs upturned. Google has been fruitless, and I might have to...
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What is the song that goes, 'When I, when I, when I, when I'm good and ready' - or thereabouts?
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They didn't have today's Lillets and Always Ultra, so what did they do?
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What's the point of our mouths drying up when we're scared or nervous? I can understand other things like hairs standing on end when cold as a relic of our early-human past, but what's the reason for...

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