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How long does the copper used in domes and architectural flourishes take to go green? Did they originally know it would, and allow for it? I've never seen a building with copper that isn't green, so...
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How is each key made to be individual and only work with one particular lock? How many combinations can there possibly be?
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Why does it happen? What is it?
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What is the point of cashback on items? Who gets what out of it?
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It is very difficult to find publication dates in many older circa 19th century books and some 20th century ones. Why didn't they put them in?
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How do pencil erasers take pencil marks off the paper so well? They are astonishing.
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What do people think gives them the right to rip out their windows and replace them with ugly, incongruous, cheap-looking plastic ones?
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What do the Bulgarian lyrics of this Ladytron song mean?:- Oblatsi prez reshetkiKolektsii ot sulfetkiVlakove, motoretkiRaziadeni podmetkiKlameni v rukaKonets prez iglaIgratchki v torbaLista vuv...
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Why do fizzy drinks fizz up when ice is added to them?
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What is the 'pinching' feeling which sometimes happens when people spray deodorant onto their armpits?
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Do deaf people have accents pertaining to where they live, and can they hear themselves when they're reading something in their heads - as non-deaf people can?
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If someone is born blind, but learns to speak and interact perfectly normally, can they spell words (not necessarily in Braille)?
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How do I change the font used for displaying the user's name in the Start Menu in Classic Windows mode of Windows XP? It is something like MS Sans Serif in Italics and, frankly, very ugly
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What is a song with words of the latin mass, or gregorian chant in it?
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Do maps still exist with the names of the major landowners? I have been to antique print shops where they often have maps of the United Kingdom showing that Lord So-and-So owns such a shire or so. I...
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I found a website recently which showed an American video of pre-war Warsaw, concentrating mainly on its Jewish quality. Unfortunately I forgot to save it into my favourites and have not been able to...
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A slow dance-ish song with a woman going "Laa la la.... layy la la... laay la la..."?
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If you do not press the "Wait" button at a pelican crossing, does that mean the traffic lights will not go red for the cars, letting you cross?
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How did the image of Shakespeare being used on debit cards come about?

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