How secure is any information on papers we want to recycle. Is it necessary to remove names and addresses and any other secure information or does it all just get dumped somewhere where this...
I am looking for a herbal sleep aid that I can take even though I have some prescribed medication. Most of those I have found so far say not to take if you are taking a beta blocker, which I do. Beta...
Hi my Poinsettia although mostly void of leaves and loosing its bracts is sending out new leaves. I've not had this happen before so don't know what to expect, is the plant actually going to thrive or...
My husband who had a stroke in May 2012 has gained just over a stone in weight making him just over 14st and standing up straight, if he could, would be 5ft 10. He can walk a little and we do other...
I am experiencing pain over the bone that you sit on, not the tail bone that tucks under your bottom, but the one in the cheek of your bottom, one side only. I had a bit of a stumble, not a fall, a...
I tripped up a step yesterday evening. Banged my right knee causing a graze but left knee is ok. As I stretched forward, I felt a sharp pain in my left buttock, and now what I call my sit-upon bone,...
I have been contacted by a company concerning a motor accident over three years ago. I was a passenger. I was not hurt, and neither was anyone else. The driver of the vehicle I was in was blamed for...
I have a clematis that grows over our front door. This year due to house painting I had to cut it back early. It had stopped flowering and some of the leaves were turning brown. However it is decided...
There is demolition work going on locally and we seem to be seeing more rats. Neighbours are putting down bait to get rid of them. My concern is about my cat who is always on the look out for rats,...
My Dahlias are beautiful this year but rather too big. I kept the tubers from last year and hoping to do the same this. When is the best time to divide them? I'm assuming you can. Thanks.
Does anyone else suffer with these symptoms and how does it make you feel and how do you deal with it. I have had ECGs and Echocardiograms which show no problems with my heart but obviously the...