...by J D Salinger, a book somehow missed from my 'should do' list as a student and only recently read - and what an extraordinary little book it is. I wouldn't recommend it to anyone - it really...
I was watching the MSM this evening and didn't like what I saw of the anti BLMB. They seemed to be drinking alcoholic beverages from cans and being impolite to the Plods. Their language and accents...
If science puts up barriers and refuses to follow truth wherever it leads, then it is left floundering for answers to the big questions, on the creation of the universe, the creation of life from...
Hi please don’t bite my head off as I know the setter said not to ask for answers could anyone give me a hint on my last two question please it’s find the animal july 3rd ABR on the SF the HS by F and...
Our three year old cockapoo has, three times now over a few weeks, puked up bright yellow bile in the morning. His tummy has made a lot of noise prior to him throwing up. He’s fine the rest of the...
Good morning everyone - i say that with tongue in cheek, it's anything but good here, though my garden needs a drink, because it's chucking it down, quite nastily in fact and seems determined to keep...
It's DEFINITELY one of the easier weeks, so my score of FIVE probably isn't [i]that[i] impressive. I'm easily satisfied though, so I'll still swagger about a bit until you lot all say that you've...
Why does the truth hurt and labelled racism ? I am no expert on Religious Doctrine but I thought that Allah instructed his followers to procreate and produce as many offspring to rule the earth. The...
faulty towers episode pulled over racism...the day humour died.
https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-53009946 ....I know lets have an inquiry! Unbelievable, what will an enquiry tell us? people died from a virus! Why is there a call for a public enquiry every time...