I have had 2 answers banned, is there any way of finding out which they were? Obvoiusly I cannot read them but if I knew which questions they were then I would hopefully remember my answers.
I'm moving in with my boyfriend next month - what are we likely to argue about? Am not naive enough to think that we shall live in perfect bliss - what did your partner do that drove you crazy when...
A man was killed by a stag after it gored him to death, so they shot the stag. What do we think of this? http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/north_yorkshire/37555 72.stm
Could somebody pleeeeease tell me what GAB means? Please! Put me out of my misery! And rofl for that matter. I'm no good at this 'text' speak. It took me about 4 months, before I asked someone what...
My boyfriend is off to Swizterland on his motorbike this weekend. He's catching the ferry to France and then by bike onto Switzerland. Do any of you AB's know of anywhere in Switzerland or...
Hi Boys and Girls Can any one give me an internet reference for the following? Perhaps ter Braak can help, if it is in Nederlands I can get it translated..... Someone fell into one of the grachten...
Theres an old dance track ive heard recently and i cant get it out of my head the only words i know to it are move your body to me I wanna,I wanna feel the heat does any body know...
Not sure if im in the right section but does anyone know where you can buy those hair accessories that enable you to wrap your hair up in different 'ponytail' styles? I saw them on price-drop tv but...