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Why is my cat throwing up immediately after eating her food?
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A few snow flakes and a lot of south east England grinds to a halt. This is the 21st century surely we can do better.
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The Rut
If Jesus Christ came back down to earth would he Jewish and not Christian?
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In view of the recent news coverage given to gun control should the police be permanently armed in this country as opposed to the current situation where they use armed response units
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Emigrating How many of you are thinking of moving out of Great Briton to live a less stressful life, it seems that everyone I speak to want's to move abroad there main reason is the excessive amount...
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How can I remove polystyrene ceiling tiles and adhesive from my ceiling? Is there a particular product to clean off the adhesive?
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How can I find out the cost of replacing a pitched roof on old timberframed 3 bed cottage in Essex, UK?
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I would like to become a gardener.Where do I start? Is it possible to train part time and just what would be involved?
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Why is there such a great variation in human height? Members of other species are usually the same size. You don't get blackbirds that are massively bigger or much smaller than average blackbirds, yet...
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Has man ever been able to teach any other animal (chimps etc) how to control fire?
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darth vader
Why are humans evolving to be bigger? In earlier centuries people were definitely shorter so why are we seemingly evolving to be a taller species?
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And if he's about why has he missed my glaringly obvious deliberate mistake in the question I posted in the news section? Come to think of it why hasn't anyone else mentioned it?
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What was the total number of casualties during the entire vietnam war?
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i have a wee pal who just love's brussel sprouts, the problem is that she constantly fart's after eating them, any suggestion's?
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remember the sexy video' addicted to love from' R. Palmer ?it'd be interesting to know how the women look now & what they do professionaly....
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who killed shiran shiran?
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I have recieved a chain letter, supposedly requesting compliment slips for a small boy suffering from cancer, to get into the Guiness Book of Records. I have no wish to be a misery, but it looks very...
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Someone commented to me last night that they were 'sick as a parrot'. Are parrots really always sick or is there another explanation?
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Why do some males go bald as early as fifteen years of age?
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How do you tell the time at the North or South pole? Presumably there is either no time at all or all times at once?

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