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I got woken up this morning to my 5 year old son in tears this morning because the cat had 2 holes in her head. I ran down the stairs thinking she had been knocked over but instead found her intact,...
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as my post yesterday about my weird rash on my face (also spead to my chest, its gone kinda dryish now..)my hair is totally greasy. I have NEVER had greasy hair! I could leave it for a wekk and it...
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Have just been upstairs, we have a linen basket in the bedroom and I noticed that mrwarpig has left yesterdays socks, teeshirt and undercrackers on the floor right beside the basket, not in the...
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HELP!!! Since Thursday i have this rash on my face - when you look closely its like hundreds of little clear/skin coloured 'bubbles'/lumps. It feels like scales - it almost looks like ive been burnt -...
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My friend told me her boyfriend uses his big toe to stimulate her (inside her) - is this harmful?
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where do people go to make friends i can not seem to make any friends in this town that i am in. i have made 2 friends in this town but i do not see them as much as i would like to. it seems that...
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just wondering... I'm trying to contact someone who i havent seen for years. They once sent themselves an email from my account to themselves and i want to find it...Have searched through inboc...
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Does anybody know where I can buy really thin headbands that go all the way around your head, I've been looking for them everywhere but can't see to find any
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i am currently overwight and i cant understand why. i hardly ever eat (once a day) and when i do its a healthy option i.e. salmon and vegatables. i am also fairly active, i dont drive so i walk for at...
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What do you girls do when you need a little pick me up?? I get my nails and hair done?? :-) Did that last night :-)
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Has anyone out there read Jodi Picoult's latest novel Nineteen Minutes? It is quite spooky that it came out at the same time as the shootings in Virginia Tech as it studies the background to a...
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I've just finished a decorating job for a very wealthy Barrister. I helped him out with colour scheming,ordering & collecting materials etc. I even took him down to the garage to pick his car up. At...
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And then found out the truth or seen something that completely changed your thinking on them.. but instead of being angry or upset.. (like you thought you'd be) you just kind of didn't care about them...
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i think i've lost my sex drive! I'm happy in my relationship and used to have to use my llittle vibating friend twice a day (cuz my boyf lives away!) just to make it throught the day! But now even...
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I have had flu about two weeks ago and just seem to be tired constantly! I do take daily mulit-vitamines... but is there anything anyone could advise me to take to just get back my energy? I've taken...
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I know this might sound a tad bit insensitive and don't for one minute think that I don't care.. but I really don't understand all these people saying they have been constantly crying over Maddy who...
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I married the girl I'd been out with for 8 years, because it seemed the thing i should do. We had the wedding but I wasn't in love. We then had 2 (gorgeous!) kids (that I love to bits) and settled...
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Has anyone done (or is doing) a PGCE for little kids (5-11) who idnt have a very good mark for their degree? Everyone is asking for a 2.1 or above and i only got a 2.2....i've only ever wanted to be a...
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Could someone give me some rough guides as to price for the following please? A check up A filling To build up a tooth that is broken in half around a filling? (so i have half a tooth with a filling...
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Has anyone got this dentsist health thing where you pay monthly or something...? I dont really know what it is but it means you save money and ive just found ou then when i got to the detist its prob...

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