For a long while it has become apparent that AB is becoming a little dull, IMHO. It is now quite obvious that a group have gone elsewhere to another forum that is run by another ABer. How do sites...
You've all seen those Facebook and Twitter posts about things you used to see in the past like the Corona Lorry, Jamboree Bags, Texan Bars etc Someone at work today came up with some classics you...
A song becomes a 'standard' because it is popular and therefore heard often. I am even more opinionated about music than anything else in life (hard to believe I know!) and there are some hugely...
... or not? Would you risk this new gadget .... ... me, I'm not convinced at all...
I´ve had my packard bell, windows 7 starter 320gb hdd 1 gb memory computer for 18mnths now. Recently its been giving me problems, eg taking forever to start up, and to close down. plus its always...
Then 're heated and won't take for ever to get hot .....not curry as we have that at the weekend.We visit relatives about an hour away and don't get home till about 7 30 ish depending on traffic. Ps...
I am struggling a bit to find plants that like damp and shade and give colour .I have diabetes lies bleeding g and a tree peony but am now running out of ideas. The garden is a small courtyard...
GUided to have a little balsa wood village with pepper that moved when you lit a candle /s and the paddles above the whole thing turned anyone seen one recently?...