I have been looking for this one for ages. It's a music video I saw in 2001 on MTV Europe. The music video was about a girl who was carrying this huge big heart all over the city... The song didn't...
how far from your age would you go if you were dating a guy/girl? im thinking 3 or 4 but then i think it depends on your age...i think it's ok if you're over 18 (like 18 & 21) but under would be too...
i'm 12 and my chest is way to big i wear a 34A size bra and it's to small for me i started wearing one at the age of 7 and i started to get a chest at 6 1/2 years old and my butt is real big to i'm...
I'm a 13 (14 in november) and i weigh 10stone and i am 5,5, i don't know if i'm fat or not, i wear size 10 clothes (english size 10) but in some shops clothes which don't fit me, make me feel really...
I havnet got red hair but i was wondering why lots of people especialy teenagers take the mic out of people for having red hair afterall its only a colour.
if anyone has seen the film "donnie darko" could they please explain the ending to it? i like the film but it's frustrating that i don't understand the meaning....... please help!
i have oily eyelids and whenever i wear eyeliner (which is every day) it always gets smudged and looks so terrible!!! Does anyone know anything i can do to stop this?
Ever since I can remember, I've had muscle 'spasms' everyday. They can be quite small like my finger moving up and down and other times I'll have one in my arm where I can see the muscle really...
I just saw an advert on telly, i forget what for! the byline was "Preston is my Paris", or something similiar. Who was the song by? It sounded like an old 20's type song, about a girl called Mimi....
hey umm im gona get my belly button pierced and im scared ******** like i cant stop thinking how much its gona hurt can u guys just write if it hurts or not and what they actuali did when they pierced...
Is it just me whom finds soy milk builds up a dodgey taste in your moth which lingers long after having been drunk.. Sort of a constantly dry, unsatisfying icky taste which just wont shift. Or is this...
And while I am on the subject...Apple Tarts! little round boiled sweets, they were red, yellow and green and were SO sour, if you were really unlucky, on top of making your eyes water, they would cut...