Can any legal minds help?? If a family member pays off the outstanding mortgage on another family members property, what is the best way to protect that investment from any other parties getting their...
My parents have a house in Florida that still has a mortgage on it, which they want to "gift" to both myself and my sister. It is both my and my sister's intention to extend our current mortgages here...
Gonna throw this out in a couple of catorgories as hopefully someone can answer....In the states, I believe they have pictures of missing children on the side of milk cartons etc, can anyone suggest a...
Can anyone advise of the correct etiquete when it comes to the clearing of plates after a meal. Is it not "correct" to wait until all diners have finished rather than remove the plates as and when?...
Please can anyone advise. In a divorce case at the financial settlement stage, does the new partner have to disclose their salary? Not named in the divorce in case that matters. Thks x
Is there an optimum place to sit on the aeroplane to get best use of the air conditioning? Front, back or middle, we shall be sitting in 'Cattle class'.
i hate going to the dentist and never seem to be without some sort of dental problem. can i ask to have all my teeth taken out and have dentures. a friend of ours though much older has wonderful...
How the hell do you stop this from feeling like you are peeing razor blades? I have just finished the last sachet of cystopurin and I don't feel it has made the slightest bit of difference.
william Shatner does an advert for some clustery cereal for Kellogs. The catchphrase..."they're tasty, tasty, very very tasty...they're very tasty! For the love of God...someone tell me what that...
Hello, I wonder if someone could give me and my partner a bit of advice please , we are having a terrible time for the past 2 years with his ex wife as they have 2 children,and now she is planning to...
A friend is having an affair with a married man who is going through the process of divorce. They intend to move in together after a suitable period of time. Will her earnings be taken into...