How can I resolve this problem: a mystery page has adopted itself onto my internet connection. I can change to another home page but this mystery page just keeps coming back and takes over from the...
Looking for the name of a song something like 'Mad World'.........or........'It's a mad world' and I've heard a couple of versions of it. One was a band playing it and the other was on radio1the other...
I'm trying to find a particular poem by Hafez, the 14th century Persian has the line ' how did the rose ever show us its heart '......looked on many sites relating to Hafez but no...
I wish to establish the name of a particular binary star and cannot find a decent star chart which documents it. The star in question lies between the belt of Orion and Ursa Minor but it's precise...
Does anyone know how good or bad the Orlando area of Florida is over the Christmas and New Year holiday periods.....Due to be there with about 6 or 7 other people and not too bothered about...
I am well aware that a googolplex signifies a hugely large number but is their a term in mathematics to signify an infinitesimally small number........
I think this statement can be solved but I have not met anyone at all who agrees with me. The philosophical statement in question is 'Nothing unreal exists'........Can we discuss this please, I have...
Is it true or just an urban myth that there are Pyrannahs in the St Helens canal near the hotties (Pilkingtons Glass Factory)? As legend goes, they were released into the canal (which is very warm in...
I have a recurring dream where I live in a big old house and the floors upstairs keep bending and collapsing. When I walk on them, it's like walking in a funhouse but more severe. There's even gaps in...
Is there an evolutionary reason for human pubic hair ? When humans were naked could it be a signal for sexual maturity ? Or simply nature's way of providing for homeless crabs or a palette for...
How does one get rid of these horrible tickets which are stuck onto the drivers side windows if one has parked illegally.....they are hellish things to shift and no amount of scraping gets rid of the...