Hi AB'S... can anyone tell me what language aTRUE Israeli person speaks?..... (sorry if I have offended anyone).... I know 'english' (obvs|) but what is their language called... and how woulld I find...
Being the cynic I have become, I'm always susp. about 'offers' from companies...you know bogofs.... buy a bottle of wine and get a gift card free etc... I know these offers can be advantageous if used...
When you see things like camel's feet served up to be eaten by the contestants on I'm A Celebrity, do you think the animals have been killed for that purpose? I do, no matter how much the...
Bit of a technophobe, but will try to explain what I want! I have lots of music tracks on various cd's that I would like to put together to listen to ON MY LAPTOP ONLY . Is there a way of loading in...
Hi friends, here's the prob... have an LG 24" TV. approx 4 years old. When I turn it on, I have a white screen (with sound) but a rainbow of colours that fade and change for about half hour.... I...
hi!..Ihave an LG tv and its remote. Up to now have had channels 1-33 with a few missing and knew that there were more I could obtain.... like food channel 48 etc.. according to the promo adverts, I...
Hi! I have 3 compost bins and give them all my veg, stale milk, small amounts of paper and grass clippings... here's the thing..... would it be completely awful to put (oo er!) ciggie butts and ash?...
have a landline and internet with B.T...... they've done the dirty... what's new? and I want to change, but don't know where to go .... any ideas my friends? Don't need any special tarriffs or add...
want to buy a mobile phone and have noticed that some are 'sim free'..what exactly does this mean? Does it mean I can put in the sim from my existing phone and keep the number, or simply that it...
Morning all... can anyone give details of a landline (cordless) phone that will let me access my messages without ging thro' krypton factor tasks to get them?...all I want is something like; message...
Hi, I have a modern cistern, not with push down flushing handle, but a long flush/ short flush button on top (where you would normally lift the lid off to get to ballcock etc) . How do I get into this...
Hi... I am thinking of using the 'rent a room' scheme, where you can earn £4.250 pa and not pay tax.... have any of you experience of this or just lodgers in general? My house is such that...