Who is your ideal woman or man? If I chose someone famous, it would have to be Frank Lampard. Although I wouldn't mind someone with blond surf hair. Yeesh.
Does anyone feel like they never really experience the highs and lows that they think they should? I sometimes get in a bit of a mood, and I sometimes feel quite happy, but these they don't quite feel...
My ex text me lastnight after seeing me and my new bloke together and he said he was going to try split us up and steal me away. I told my bloke just in case he heard any stupid rumours that the ex...
First question. Is it me or Easter eggs cheaper than ever, even quality ones like Thortons and Green and Blacks?? Second, whilst shopping in Waitrose, there was a very small picket from some Green...
I read before that Preston NE footballer David Nugent is to be given points on his licence because he drove his mates car which he wasn't insured on. Because his mate felt that he'd probably had a few...
Why do we attach so much to it? Is it really so fundamental in defining ourselves? I know I've got more in common with a young, football loving shipping clerk in Peru than I have with the majority of...
Does anyone work in a call centre/has anyone worked in one in the past? If so can you tell me what sort of recruitment process you went through to get the job? Interview? Assessment Centre? Roll Play?...
I dont take any vitamins and not really keen on the idea of taking various pills everyday. However, i feel my immune system is really low as i've been quite ill with various colds, chest infections,...
Right, I've got a real issue...and a bloody long story!! About 8/9 years ago a family moved in next door to us. They are a black jamaican family, have been bought up in England (not sure if the mother...
how do you define your nationality? is it where you were born? where your parents are from? where you have lived the majority of your life thus far? or another way? and why?
just wanted to share how sweet mrMiniN was last night... he had been working late but still managed to buy me some flowers...it really made me smile. has anyone done anything for you lately that made...
Just read a post asking why are there so many ' English ' people using this site ( which I thought was a bit obvious ) but it got me thinking. How many other Nationalities are alonside us ( the more...
Is there an English word which indicates a sudden and unexpected movement made for catching somebody or something? For example, when somebody waits in hiding to attack a bird and then grasps it. I am...