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Silly little things have been making me fly off the handle lately. I'm approaching 40 and i am happily married with a lovely 7 year old daughter and a 15 year old step daughter.They are generally as...
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It is my girlfriends 17th Birthday on Friday and i'm not sure what to get here. We have been going out for two weeks now and i want to spend around ?20-?30. I want to get her something individual and...
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Yeah right. Discuss.
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Im a bloke and i find it really hard to find a shampoo that suits me. I have medium length wavy hair and if I wash it with average stuff it becomes too dry and if I leave it, it gets greasy. What...
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I am thinking of purchasing a proprty in Egypt. Has anyone got any advice on the do's and don'ts or any pifalls etc.
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I currently work as a graphic designer but am starting to think about going freelance or starting my own business. Does anyone have any bits of advice that may help me?
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How do slugs get into your home and leave weird tails around your doormat - then they leave by the morning? how, why, when, what are they doing I'm looking for the most imaginative answers please...
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Hey, just something that has been on my mind, my Partner has been thinking of selling his house and moving the 100 miles to live with me as we have a baby on the way and both our family is here. We...
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Do you think that Yakult is good for you (small pot once a day)? If yes, why is it good for you? What does it do?
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Can i highly recommend, even for the people who totally believe what the media portrayed, that you somehow get hold of the film Loose Change and watch it, then get everyone you know to watch it too
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I just want to know what people think of what Tony Blair said on Parkinson. Roughly translated God told him to go to war. Do you think that he is right? Do you think that he has a massive ego? Do you...
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Hi, how much should i charge my child rent? He is 18 and has a full time job. How much should i ask him to contribute a week towards the household bills? Any suggestions? thanks
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How do people change the colour and size of their writing on this site?
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Why is it that this country cannot keep our water supply up to an acceptable level without resorting to hosepipe bans etc . Whilst working away three years ago in Saudi Arabia we were able to wash our...

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