Perhaps in those countries that are not so acceptive to homosexuality, but surely there is now... Why just the name of the rail stations, why not rip up the whole...
Every time I ask a question about the harassment accusation against my OH I get a different answer. The fact is the accusation is a complete lie. But what should we do? The accusation has not been...
I'm always pleased to see and hear these birds returning to the same patch of blackberry bushes at the bottom of my garden, year after year, coming from as far away as Africa. Summer just wouldn't be...
Up at the crack of dawn to watch play. I just love tennis. Very disappointed to see Stan knocked out yesterday. Watching Edmund at the moment, boy isn't he good!! Give him a couple of more years he...
run the cable to his flat but then gone on with the cable up the side of my flat by the bay window again The electrician has not covered the cables and it looks a dreadful mess .This was done whilst I... Grenfell Tower survivors also threaten to boycott the enquiry....
Only we humans think we are special, and we have only existed for a few hundred thousand years. All other organisms have an unaware finite existence. Even the Universe has a finite existence. So... Brainwashing? In the states he would have been given the death penalty or 800 years in a supermax...
sound of laughter much intended a yorkshire man might call t'floor covering this successful football team + with reference to sounds as if you are standing in line correct old fashioned leg coverings...
Am I just getting old ( . . . er, no, don't bother answering that . . ) or is Glastonbury rather boring so far this year? Apart from an excellent set from the wonderful Ata Kak and a decent, if...
If so, I would like to hear your experiences. Knowing what you know now, would you do it again? My husband is considering fulfilling his long-held ambition to build a Cobra. I said I don’t mind at...