Do you remember this US number one single from 1974/75? It seems it's back in the charts again. It's used in a trailer apparently, although I haven't heard it. It's a good job they didn't use the... So this Labour Peer thinks that the UK should;d get involved in Iraq once again? What...
Apart from the obvious!! Does anyone know what this ? Was found in mothers garden about 5 inches long and as thick as your thumb!! [IMG][/IMG] Not sure if this will...
Afternoon All, hope you are having a good Saturday. Postie has just dropped off my new whole fruit juicer and I have had a play with a Grapefruit, Watermelon, Apple & Orange combination - lovely, if a...
I have a headache and can't be bothered to sort this out. Can anyone help? Three people want to meet for a reunion. 1 in York 1 in St Ives, Cambs. 1 in Bedford. Where is the 'fairest' place to meet so...
by West Yorkshire Police for alleged anti-Semitic remarks: Great orator and debater he may be but he's still madder than a dickless dog....
One of my main providers , with whom I set up some years ago, a direct debit, seems to not know me now by account number or email address. I haven't, when checking my statements paid anything for...
I've just heard part of a most bizarre discussion on the radio. Wikipedia refuses to delete a selfie taken by a monkey that hijacked a photographer's camera, claiming that since the monkey took the...
Having seen on Sky news all the illegals in Calais make shift camp sites trying to get to England why don't the French round them up and send them home. After all if they're from Africa they must be...
My daughter has a habit of treating my clothes as her own and it drives me insane that quite often she doesn't have the courtesy to ask if she can borrow something. I went to the shops this morning...
I subscribed to Which magazine about 6 months ago and they have always been banging on about how good Aldi is. As a regular Waitrose customer I took the plunge and went into Aldi. My god !!.... full...
I was recently busted for growing weed. When police searched my attic, (no weed up there) they found my bb guns and seized them. They would be illegal to buy now but not before 07 and i can prove they...