I had a phone call the other evening from Barclays Bank. The woman phoning asked to speak to Mrs ....., so I answered yes thats me. she then asked me to give her some security information so that she...
Dont you think he is so shallow how he keeps saying that he wishes he had been evicted. What a liar! He obviously realises that he has been up a few times now and says he wants to go, so that he...
It was such a shame to see that last night's episode was the last in the series of Brothers and Sisters. I have so enjoyed every episode. Looking forward to a new series hopefully at a more sensible...
This is driving me mad. The road I live in is fairly narrow and I am constantly having vehicles parked opposite my drive, which makes it really awkward for me to get in and out of my driveway. The...
Did anyone see Carol - what a really brave lady. She informed on her two sons who had beaten up a man who was badly hurt and lost the sight in one eye. He lost a lot of money as he was not able to...
Not sure if this is the correct section, but can anyone suggest what you can do to eliminate garlic breath. After I have eaten something with garlic, even after brushing my teeth a few times and using...
Not really a question, I have just watched Born to be Different on Channel 4. What admiration I have for the children and families featured. They have so much to deal with, it makes you feel really...
Not sure if this is the right section, but I asked a question earlier about Sky and mentioned that I hated having to phone them as it is such a wind-up, and it made me wonder who everyone else hates...
I am with Sky but have noticed in the last few days that I cannot get Channel 4 + 1 (not tried before so I dont know if I have ever had it). It shows a blocky picture and no sound. Just checked True...
Anyone any suggestions for good restaurants in London. We have done the main 'celebrity chef' places and a few themed places such as Sarastro and Mongolian Bar B Q. Anyone have any ideas for something...