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scatty mare

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Can anyone please tell me what was or how to find out the name of the single that was number one on the 18th July 2004, 2005 and 2006? Thanks x
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scatty mare
I'm hoping dot.hawkes can help me if she reads this, but any help would be gratefully received. I've obtained the Will of my Gt Gt Gt Grandfather who died in 1895. He leaves property to his trustees...
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I agree with Dot Hawkes suggestion for a Family History Site.I would definitely use it.
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mistaken's post got me curious. Girls - wot is your cycle pattern like. I have a rele heavy first day with mild cramps then slightly lighter for 2 days then hardly anything for 3. xxx
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Its is a female artist, the only lyrics I remember are ' I,m so sorry, I'm so sorry' other possible lyrics are something about- take your weird/strange cd's to??? Thanks
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squidgy plum
my nan really likes this chanel no.7 perfume and i cant find it anywhere does anyone know anywhere i can buy it??/ thanks
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I have Encarta Encyclopedia installed, and the dictionary which comes with it starts automatically on startup. There's an icon in the systrem tray (edict.exe). How can I stop it starting...
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When running my daughters all fine. Mine gets to this, says theres a fault and closes.Key "h key-current-user/software/spytrooper/ie security" value "Block Java Scripts" any help gratefully received
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Hey i was just wondering is water completely calorie free? just normal plain water? i have heard this but find it hard to believe...
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Just what is a 'spatchcock' chicken? I saw one in Sainsbury's and couldn't decide if it refered to the style of it (i.e. the way it was prepared) or the breed.
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is this a good thing or are you like me and think they could do it to you aswell?? this has nothing to do with posts i have read tonight, its just a question to get your juices flowing??
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Has anyone played it ?
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whats the best way after a Bereavement to clear someones house, if you dont have much cash and the stuff in the house is mostly worthless. you have to pay clearance people, is there any other ways....
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Hi, I have just been given a Sony Back/rear Projection TV.....I love my Dad!!! The screen is covered in smear marks....I have tried using a damp chamois...but it's not working....Any suggestions
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A colleague at work has been stealing my pens for the last couple of weeks now. I have already approached him about his 'problem' and also asked for my pens back. He replied something along the lines...
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I have just received my Nokia N93 ( It's fantastic! ) and it comes bundled with Adobe Elements 2.0. When I tried to load it on to my computer it says I don't have SSE2 support. Now it's only a year...
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I have heard many many times that muslim men like women for babies and men for fun, if you catch my drift. I have been told it is because mohamed was born of a man,, is any of this true?
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Its about 00:20, ive had quite a few pints tonight, but i want to climb Arthurs Seat tomorrow morning. I say want, because im well aware of what im like in the mornings. Should i A - Go to bed now and...
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I have the rank number of a friend in the armed forces and I need to contact them. I don't actually know where they are based at the moment, just their regiment, rank and number. If I sent a...
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someone answer this quick cos im not sure if it'll get removed or not - does anyone know the legal age limit for lesbian "relationships"?

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