Things you have done during your lifetime: Copy and paste into text box and place a "X" in all the things you have done. () Gone on a blind date () Skipped school () Watched someone die () Been to...
Whilst we are remembering former A/B members howzeabout Mollykins ? I used to like her posts & reading about life at school & the goings on with the group she belonged to (Junior lifeguards ?? ) etc....
We have noticed over the last couple of months that boy#2 (9 years old) is increasingly displaying some OCD-like traits (excessive hand washing to the point his hands are actually sore, exact (though...
I read somewhere about a pagan prisoner requesting Carrot Cake or Snow cake in accordance with his belief
That said - what would be a good cake to give a pagan with a May birthday
Many thanks...
with a tray roast of mediterannean vegetables (3 colours of pepper, courgettes, aubergine red onion and mushrooms with fresh thyme and garlic sprinkled with olive oil and black pepper, and some new...
A few years ago God was very much part of the lives of people. Even if one had doubts they were kept to oneself. Today there is almost as much pressure not to believe in God as there was to believe in...
Morning Sqad. My ninety year old mother is in a home. Very severe dementia and now immobile. She is hoisted into a chair where she spends a confused and uncooperative day and hoisted back to bed. She...
My Dad's work contract states that paid holidays must be 'earned' and if he hasn't worked the right amount of hours he can't have paid holidays. I thought paid holidays was a statutory right in Paid...
do you believe in it? i was gonna make a new account to talk about this so you didnt all think i was mad but the fact that we would have had the same avatar could have been a dead giveaway :P...
Is it a common phenomenon that when it rains heavily , ( or sometimes not even heavily )the television pictures are affected from the signal coming from the satelite dish ?
I feel terrible, the other day I posted a post about my mum and how we were not getting along, and I felt terrible for posting it. Well the situation has got worse. Today over messaging i told her...
Spinning off from SK's dinner thread : What are your own "signature dishes" - not the fancy stuff you cook once in a blue moon, but the simple recipes you go back to over and over again? Dave's Mince...
I've got a chest infection and asthma this morning I've woke up in the most terrible pain in my chest and back when I breathe, I've had numerous chest infections in the past but never this pain, any...
Why do actors/ actress be interviews as if they have the know how on life .The do a job get wll paid for it so where do this insight and in life mysteries come from .I rather pick the brains of a...