Hello. I started seeing a girl at New Year. It is going really well, however I have one problem - her friends. They are perfectly nice and kind, but she seems to be with them ALL the time. We've been...
I have four telephones in my house, all running off the 'main' socket. I also have broadband. I am thinking of replacing one of the phones, which is a cordless, with a 'two for one/ twin' type -- so I...
Is it normal, as an adult, not to sleep through the night? I will wake up at least once or twice. Not neccessarily for long periods of time and I'm not troubled in any way (not that I know of...
Hi, I am clearing out my wardrobe and would like to sell my clothes at a car boot sale. Does any one know of any good car boot sale in or around London......? Thx
Guys: Would someone please tell me what commission I would be expected to pay to an estate agency for the sale of my property. I own a one bedroomed flat on the south coast of England valued in the...
I have been doing finger/hand stretching exercises to keep the ligaments supple but dont know what to do about the knodules, is there any cream I could use to diminish or soften these.
I have a very sore blister on my heel, Do they make a heel pad to put in the boot (mens) or is there something out there that will help me to wear my boots without it rubbing.( my boots are Ammo...
Do any of you girls (or boys) know of any decent beauty websites. The type that you can look up your age and see what you are supposed to be doing for your skin, hair etc for that decade?
Sorry couldn't fit it all into one question - this is just to warn fellow ABers - sorry it is not a question I am just being thoughtful:Long story made short - we made a real fraud report and closed...