I was sat in my doctors surgery yesterday (it's a big place) and there were about 100 people waiting and I was the only white man ****** blair says we need more immigrants, I would say we need to send...
of Amanda Holden's boat race? http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles /showbiz/showbiznews.html?in_article_id=561059 &in_page_id=1773 Hope she got a refund!
With nearly 4 million claiming long term benefit can this government really solve the problem of getting the fit to do some type of work? It has been suggested that they could be made to reapply for...
In Windows XP what is the sequence on booting up before the desktop is shown? My computer halts after a message 'no signal' and waiting for the pointer which does not appear. '
I know he said it would happen ( RoB ) in 20 years, but do you think the Government at the time, should have listened to Enoch Powell, considering the increase in gun and knife crime we are...
I have just heard on the radio about conditions in one location where our chaps and chappesses are expected to live (and pay for). Human excrement running along where they have to walk from the living...
http://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/s/ 1045655_tap_into_a_water_revolution?rss=yes I have a bottle in my office which I just go and refill from the water cooler. But drink tap water at home....
You often hear that Britain has one of the lowest inflation figures in Europe. I believe the latest UK inflation was about 2.1% or nearabouts. Europe has just published the inflation figures but bear...
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles /news/news.html?in_article_id=559770&in_page_i d=1770 One eyewitness said the two princes dared girls in one pub to bare their breasts. Apparently...
After using a well known brand a residue of it remains especially on glasses and has to be washed off at the sink. What causes this? The small holes on the sprays have been cleaned. Are their any...
Why are n`t we all exact copies of each other ,what makes each and everyone of us unique? Other species of mammals such as dolphins , killer whales for example all look nearly identical.And I defy...
Where should Gordon Brown put his priorities? He was campaigning on US television for funds to save people in Africa from disease. Many are dying through lack of food or water. Some people say many...
What is the law on harassment by individuals of a sect that for 5 years have put me under stress. Because they are nameless and act very furtively it is impossible to confront them. They perceive that...
I have a store bought DVD of old tv programmes. the DVD is no longer available but a friend of mine has asked me for a copy, when I try to copy it a message appears saying that the disc has anti...