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Suprised there isn't one or an Entertainment Section.
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can someone please tell me where we come from, i dont buy the whole adam and eve thing, i do however believe in god i think, how can 2 people make the world by producing children plus wouldnt that be...
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My son is 5, he goes to a christian school and myself and my hubby are not religious, although I do believe in God, afterlife but do not attend school. He has become very interested in god and...
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oh my oh my, i've just seen the spice girls (umm) not quite appropriate now wheeled out for a photo shoot. What on earth does victoria beckham look like. Views?
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Does pedigree make your dog poo more? I have had my dog for one week and we have started to give him pedigree complete dry food. She now seems to poo a lot more and is pooing in the house which she...
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I am going to see a Medium for the 1st time next week, i was just wondering what are people's thoughts? Are they real, Do you beleive in that kind of thing & what to expect?
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would the last english person to leave switch off the lights?
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Middle east peacemaker !!!!!!! A bit like Gary Glitter running your local Kindergarten ??
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Was just speaking to my friend about a certain reality tv show on at the moment and she said she thought one of the contestants was easy as she had slept with 6 men yet was only 19. Got me thinking, I...
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please can anyone tell me what the significance of those little knitted men running around is. whats it to do with the corsa or even cars?
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Following Ledgend's thread, where on earth is all the press coverage on this 'abduction'?? There still seems plenty on the Maddie case, obviously there has to be, but I fail to see the difference in...
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Whats the point of the linesman standing on the goal line next to the post? every time the dutch keeper was 3 yards off his line and the linesman did nothing about it, oh wait a minute england were...
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AB Editor
Has anyone noticed the pinky pod to the right updating itself every 10 seconds? Yes, we have put it on purpose. Do you like it at all?
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or is it my pc? Never known it to run quite as slow as this!
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Whilst walking along the Thamnes last week we stopped by a climbing plant with small white flowers and a lovely perfume. Was it Jssmine and will it grow further north - also is it easy to grow in pots...
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Ive been taking multivitimins and today I noticed the BBE date was march '07 , Im not dead yet but I wondered how it effected the body or if it was just the tablets were useless.Any ideas !
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About six months ago I first felt an uncomfortable feeling in the area the right side of my of my rib cage. It felt like a minor muscle pull but it has never gone away. over the last three weeks it is...
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True Blue 36
i have a couple of tiny broken blood vessels, 2 on my face and 2 on my leg. What causes these and can you do anything to get rid of them
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My neighbour has a Rhododendron in a tub (north-east facing). It is covered in buds which are not opening and the leaves are wilting. Anyone know what's wrong?
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Any of you knowledgeable people out there know of any good ways of keep foxes out of the garden? They are becoming a pain, bringing litter in to the garden. The noise in the night is terrible, I...

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