Does anyone know the name of an American magazine that always has spoof stories like i married an alien or or celebrities that are aliens etc - i think it was printed on paper - be really grateful for...
Hi guys, I need to get some trainers that are black and have loads of cushioning on the heel as I have a heel injury. I am die to go on a walking holiday soon so really need something to help ease the...
Does anyone else have this, i have had it for nearly a year now and the doc has finally referred me to a foot person(lol). just wondering what they will do that the docs couldnt, or are the docs just...
I have been told i have a heal spur (Plantar Fasciitis) and need to get some Sorbothane insoles and heal cushion. I can't find them anywhere does anyone know a good site where i can get them from or...
When will obese people, specially women, realise that to be fat is not beautiful, but just ugly; all that fat. And is not sexy either, I rather make love to a rubber balloon.
What is a good mp3 player to get - i have a new laptop with vita on it so i am not sure what mp3 players are compatible with it. i am very ignorant to these things and just want something i can easily...
Hi guys, i have been doing a lot of exercise for the past year and as of late I have been in agony with the heel on my right foot. It seems to be around the edge of my heel and feels as bad as a...
Hi guys, My closest friend and others have been made redundant from my work and i basically want to get my friend a little prez for when she leaves. However, i am not so sure what to get - something...
Hi guys, i have some digital images that i have put onto my computer and some of them have red eye problems. i tried in the paint package on my comp to change the red into black but that still looked...
Does anyone else feel like life is just passing them by and that everyone has someone/children/good job/house and you are the only one left with nothing exciting to talk about? It's just a general...
OK, I appreciate that most of te women on that prog are pikey mingers(!), but there have been one or two cuteys! What I can't understand is..................... When asked, "so why do you stay with a...
i refer to the latest nhs move , apparently by the ghastly p hewitt ,that is at the discretion of doctors etc. not to operate on obesse peopie or smokers. i know many who just cannot stop smoking and...
just had my Q banned?? God alone knows why (unless someone at AB is related to her! Only asking why she cant put in a full week at GMTV??? part-timer! Cos Kate Garraway is EVEN WORSE! Righty Ho lets...