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Does anyone else find her quite extraordinarily sensual ? I know I am supposed to be thinking on more serious matters, but that eye make-up and gorgeously bobbed hair does something. Fawn trousers...
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ok, i don't mean to offend anyone here i really don't but if you are a devout christian or have devout religious values you might not want to read this. I am christenened..and so..technically a...
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Last night me and my mates went out on the town... well me and my friend and her sister in law. We were drinking wine at my friends first and started chatting about how none of us had ever been in a...
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I got really bad cramp in my toes yesterday and had it for about half an hour, in tears it was that sore! Afterwards my foot felt as if it had been stood on. I often get cramp (got poor circulation)...
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If you are and therefore believe that we are all the children of adam and eve. Does that then mean that by that fact we are all of us who are involved or married actually committing incest? And doesnt...
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I have a samsung TV which has freeview built in, now the thing is i have lost the intructions and dont know how to get it working.....please help cos cable t.v is appaling
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have any smokers been in the pub yet since the ban, how did they find it? Was there a suitable place for you to smoke?
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I am now on the Social Committee at work. 6 members and 5 decided they were too busy to deal with it this year as their job roles have shifted a bit so 5 new members were appointed... Apparently I was...
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reading a couple of the questions its just brought home to me the pain that i am going to have to endure shortly (maybe this year or next if hes lucky) my father has terminal cancer , non hodgkins...
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Hiya, following my earlier thread, I am now looking at buying Jack's flea and worm treatment online. Not had much look Googling it-I would appreciate if people could let me know which sites they have...
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Black Noir
I drove home from the New Forest once in just my bra and shorts - buts thats the closest!
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again this year these wee flys have made them selves at home in my fruit bowl. any thoughts as to save my sanity trying to swat them,
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Im reading lots of posts regarding the concert in london for diana and all the posts relating to missing her and how touched everyone is by missing her. Now say what you want to me but as far as im...
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We had a shower instlled about 6 years ago, electric that works off the cold feed. It worked fine until we had the builders in and although they didn't do anything directly ever since it runs for a...
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For those of you who helped support me during mum's illness, i thought that i should inform you all that mum passed away peacefully on the 18th June. I am so sad and feel lost. Dad is now on his own,...
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my dad is in hospital and is about to make the transition to spirit. I feel that he's hanging on to life because of fear of the unknown. he's never been a believer of any religion or faith unlike me....
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Forget Global Warming or poor planning, the Rt Rev Graham Dow says the floods are our own fault for being ungodly. Reassuring words indeed from this top ranking pious Christian. Does anyone agree that...
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My boyfriend and I are in a long distance relationship. He left to go back to london about 4 days ago. And ever since I've just been unable to cope with it. I miss him more than ever. It really really...
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what first attracted you to your partner ? was it love at first sight or a more gradual thing ? only askin cos im bored
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We were talking about the terrorism stuff in work and a colleague asked me what I thought could be done to prevent these attacks. I said "stop letting these people in the country", she said I was...

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