I have been offered a work transfer to Australia, the problem is if I go, I will lose the only man I have ever truly loved. I have been in love with this guy for a few years but circumstances dictated...
I fainted today, out of the blue, never happened before. Anyway, when they were examining me the doctor at the hospital said I had a heart murmur and there's no way to tell how long I ave had it as...
me and my gf havin been goin out now for 3 months and now she saying she wants a break i asked has she stopped loving me or sumthign and she sed no she's meant evry word she sed to me and she sed she...
Over 20 years ago I met and lived with a girl who was I think the love of my life. We had the most amazing life together and we lived as if we were the same person. Every aspect of the relationship...
About four years ago, I met this guy. Thought nothing of him, he was going to school in another state. He came back though and after spending time with him I fell madly in love. With him I radiated...
Morning all, Just wondered if anyone could help me out... my favourite nail varnish has become all thick and gloopy and is getting really hard to use. Does anyone know how I can thin it down again?...
A while ago I bought some white mascara from M&S but now I need some more they don't sell it. I know loads of places do a double ended mascara with a white and a black/brown, but I never used the...
After i wash my hair it always goes frizzy. I was wondering whether there is any way of decreasing the frizz without using special hair products. Can anyone help? Thanks.
Many years ago it wasnt unsual for your mum or dad to cut your hair i wonder if this is as common nowadays. Does anyone have a hairstory of parents cutting there hair. Maybe some dads that thought...
How difficult is it? I have long hair and want to dye it. Should I attempt to do it myself or wait till someone else can help. I want to do it now, if I wait then it will be for over another week....
bliddy plucking eyebrows is such a pain...there has to be an easier way or a great set of tweezers out there! I'm talking about the little ******* that don't go with the waxing.