Does anyone have an advert that makes them cross, angry, happy or sad. The most annoying advert/s for me are anything to do with debt or loans. The most annoying one to date has to be that loan one...
Does anyone know of a web site with recipes for simple but healthy meals for small children. I want to be able to print off a few suggestions for the week, nothing fancy, just good basic meals that...
There are so many nanny programmes now. What sort of molly-coddled tantrum throwing wasters are we going to end up with in a few years when these TV "specialists" all say that when...
I have just spent 3 hours in A & E for my son to be seen with a fractured ankle and came away shaking my head. The amount of people in there for the most minor of things. Why would anyone want to...
How often should we professionally clean our new carpets to make it last longer? How long on average should new carpet normally last? We spent a lot to get this carpet as we wanted it...
i'm really confused as to where to put my baby's free money from the government - any suggestions? Can i put it where I want or does it have to be a certain account?
How can I speak to somebody who has been the victim of identity fraud? I am specifically looking for people who have had other people using their details and pretending to be them in order to get...
I like the look of all new mobile phones available, especially the flip-top ones (that fold like in Star Trek). But I've got no need whatsoever for a camera in a phone. If I want to take photos -...
Hello. I had a slight bump in my car just before Christmas, I touched the car in front's bumper and caused a small dent. My car had no damage at all. Everything went through insurance (I am fully...
I was watching the Jamie Oliver food programme last night and could have cried. It was so very depressing to see what food is served to our children at school and in the home. It proved many things to...
Hiya, My question is this..Does anybody else 'not dream'?..I dont seem to (or at least I very rarely remember them) I am 28 and I think I have had about 2 dreams in the past few years....
Do people think that naming and shaming yobs & printing their pictures in papers and on street boards will deter them? Some will see it as a badge of honour, a claim to fame. 103 rooms, five swimming pools and a garage for eight limos. Question: if money was no object - would you want a house this big?
Call me old-fashioned, but I remember one time long long ago, when I used to post things, and then someone would go to someone's door, knock on it, and hand it to them. NOW....repeatedly, Royal Mail,...
i've seen a jacket i really want but local stockist didn't have my size and i think it may be an old line. my quest to find one has become almost an obsession, so if any of you lovely people...
Is it likely that a 2 year old who is very aggressive towards her mother and refuses to do most things her mother asks of her has ADHD? My close friend, who is dyslexic and without internet is having...