Now, call me an ignorant, vain minimalist dope, but i really would like to get rid of the "1.4cl" on the back of my S reg polo (98/99). because i love the look of that little car, and want it to be...
I've got a 1998/99 Polo, whose glowing red paintwork is a joy to behold, and it has a few rust spots on it, which i intend to get sorted (sounds like about ?250 including laquering re-treatment - any...
layering gardens in steps - my lawn out the back is fairly bigish but a real sod (no pun intended) to mow, and i'm no great mowing fan in the first place... have thought about layering the slopy bit...
have never liked them but have only had limited experience - any envangelists care to offer road-to-damascus style revelational recipes : i've been put off by the spongy texture in the past...
I had begun to think it was just me, who could only bear paramount and uktv food, with the odd terrestrial show thrown in for good measure. i am beginning to think this might not be the case. is all...
I've only recently begun to read some martin amis stuff, and the first i read was the information, which i was very taken with. i've recently read yellow dog and am current reading money. i'm...
my friend has been on dihydrocodeine for a long time now, and although i've looked into it in some depth (i'm a mental health nurse myself) i still wonder if other people have experienced other long...
My windscreen is lovely, but the blades seem to leave almost "scuffingesque" impressions on it. Do i need to replace them, or should i attempt to clean or polish them - i seem to recall someone...
what's the best way to clean an alabaster bowl - i have the feeling it'll dissolve if i soak it or wash it in hot water... i've seen the related post, but that seems to be regarding less fragile...
I've recently fitted alloy wheels to my Polo and it seems to be pulling to the right - can't remember if it did that before (have only recently bought it). Will i have to take it to a garage and get...
Morning All! Now then, I have recently purchased a second hand VW Polo ('98/'99) and the paintwork is so splendidly laquered that You Would Even Say it Glows. HOWEVER, on the sills of the front doors,...
i've recently bought a 98/99 bright red polo, which is surpassing all my expectations, apart from the fact that I need to address the (maybe 5) rust spots thereon. I've seen a few polos of similar...
Now then people, after the calamitous "dog's third nose" fiasco, I'm back with a more down-to-earth question: what's the best way to de-stench stinky trainers - i have a lovely pair (as it were) and...
my mum has moved into/bought a new house and is getting letters regarding debts etc for the previous renting resident: she's worried that this might might affect the credit rating of the house -...
my wife recently got a call from a company sounding like orange offering to send her an upgrade phone while renewing her orange contract. orange contract renewed for 12mths, she gets a phone (same...
i have recently lost 2 stone and am looking great apart from the fact that i could really do with some upper body muscle boost before i go on holiday with some friends my plan is to do some situps and...
I like hot water with a schlunk of lemon in it and am told it is good for weight loss too when taken first thing a.m. Will it have similar effects whenever it is consumed?