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wii man

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Headless Rat
Does anyone have really bad jokes??I LOVE them!! Here's one: How do you kill a circus? Go straight for the juggler. Hehe!!
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wii man
does the editor ever ask questions in categories from joe 12
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Does anybody else think the similie used in the Expedia (?) advert is pointless? "Clouds know how to travel..." No they don't, they have to go where the wind takes them and they go to rainy places...
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wii man
i recently found a small white stone kind of thingy inside a coconut i had eaten. i planted it in the hope that it was a coconut seed and would grow into a palm tree. can someone please tell me what...
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wii man
does the editor ever answer questions. and how did he come up with the idea for this website. and when did it start
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wii man
i don't want this to turn into a chat or anything. I have a fear of flying and have had panic attacks on planes before. i am going to majorca on the 16th and even though i know it is a short flight i...
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Is harrytabby the oldest at 81?
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Whats the easiest way to get the blighter off my horses
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Why did it go? I use to use this site a long time ago but it's only after reading an answer that mentioned it that I realised it was gone. Why??
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wii man
in the vicar of dibley opening bit where it says who is in it who is singing cos it sounds a lot like dawn french. from joe 12
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x sparkle x
does anyone else worry about anything and everything? im driving myself mad worrying all the time!xx
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wii man
what exactly is tennis elbow. do u get it only from playing tennis like the name suggests. and what does it feel like.
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ive just got out of the shower and theres a lump under my arm,when i touch it its hard and sore,and its quiet red am i worring about nothing hope so
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So who on here has actually revealed a pic of themselves to all those on AB? If not, why wouldnt you? If yes, what kind of reaction did u get?
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who does the voice in the dodge caliper advert that says it doesnt make me feel warm and fuzzy inside??
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When and why was the last time you were scared? I don't mean scared like you thought you saw a spider on the carpet... I mean real fear!
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whats your favourite bit from only fools and horses?? mines triggers broom!! pure genius!!! it no doubt been asked before but hey ho!!
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Is anyone from AB at the Edinburgh festival this year, if so what have you seen, and what are your recommendations?
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wii man
does anyone know who is speaking at the beginning of a piece of music called cantaloop by us3? thank you in advance
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its quiet in here where is all the regulars? i aint been on much. i is setting up my ebay shop. i have a name for it now aswell he he

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