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What old local to your area folk remedies do you know? And do they work?
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After the recent death of my monster, George, I have decided to go back to the CPL to adopt another cat. I will be getting her next week. She is sixish years old and looks cute. She has colitis which...
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Without wanting to get the Q booted off; do women fantasise or find it a turn on if a guy was to give another guy a .... job in front of her. Most men would like to watch or see two women go for it,...
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LET IT REALLY SINK IN - THEN CHOOSE . John is the kind of guy you love to hate. He is always in a good mood and always has something positive to say. When someone would ask him how he was doing, he...
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I'm dreading the winter months as I sometimes feel depressed. So I'm considering buying a 'light box'. Have you used one? Do they work?
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We have 12 week old girl kitten. Cant think of (or agree on ) a good name. I like Sybil but no-one else does. Hubby likes Kitty but its not exactly original is it? Son likes Tixy but it sounds cough...
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I have entered a competition on lastminute and the idea is to list as many summer/travel tips as you can AND, the important bit, get as many people as possible to visit YOUR tips. I have no chance of...
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bubbly girly
My 8 month old Cairn terrier hates to be picked up, hugged, kissed, or anything. He is so unlovable. How do I make him more loveable?
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i'm 33 and don't want them and never have but my friends keep going on at me and saying i'll change my mind some day, which really annoys me, just because i'm female doesn't mean i want kids, anyone...
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I constantly 'older' people (I'm 15) saying that people leaving school at 16, have no idea what working life is going to be like... I partly agree with them as I work part-time and it's the job I...
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I have gone through a three month cycle of taking accutane, and it worked beautifully for a little over a year, but now it has been about 2 years and my acne is beginning to come back. I have a month...
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A good place on the internet to buy nice Dog Tags, (necklaces). Any ideas? X
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I have been trying to find how life is catergorised in the tree of life with no prevail. I have discovered 7 systems of doing so and I am very confused. Which one (or more) is used today and is the...
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I currently have a website which is a blueyonder one. I load it all up on-line. But it is impossible to be creative or get things to go where you want them. I bought...
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Do you have to worm a house cat?
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Anyone got any ideas on pain relief for wisdom teeth coming through? My sister is in agony and not sleeping because of the pain. getting through a tube of Bonjela a day and paracetamol and ibuprofen...
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Vet fees are as ridiculously expensive as private dentistry fees - what is being/can be done to curb what can only be described as a racket?
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Would anyone like to wish my dawg happy birthday. He is 3 today (border collie).
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Headless Rat
Hi, whenever I shave my legs I always get this's like little red bumps where the hairs were.They tend to go all red and raw looking and a re never completely smooth.What can i do to get...
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I am planning on getting my kitchen completely updated. I am going to buy both a new washing machine and small dishwasher. I live in a flat and am quiet concerned about the noise, especially when the...

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