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Our cat Rover is missing....

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boxtops | 22:32 Wed 11th May 2011 | Pets
150 Answers
... he escaped from his cage on the way back from the vets this evening. OH and I have spent six hours combing the thick hedges, to no avail. He's either lying very low or has legged it (and is hopefully doing the Incredible Journey and finding his way back home..) - we are sad. We're going back up there first thing in the morning.


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Sorry to hear that boxtops. Might be worth ringing around the local vets and animal charities to see if you can borrow a cat trap . . .
I am sorry to hear about Rover - but, as you say, he has lived rough before so he will manage. Bet he gets spoiled rotten when he gets home.


nooo! but im sure he will turn up, cats always find their way home. its weird how they do it. 2 of our 3 cats went missing for a couple of days but they always find their way home. good luck. x
hope your rover is sat at the back door waiting for his breakfast when you get up.
keep my fingers crossed that he turns up safe and well.
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Thanks to you all - it helps such a lot. We have been up at the vets since 6am but it looks as if he's not there any more - there is a poo on the car park which looks like his! - but despite taking food and having a good look again, he hasn't emerged. We have to assume he's moved on, looking for food. I'm just about to ring the insurance company to get authority to offer a reward (they'll pay for it), then I can get the posters done, and go back up there and flyer everywhere. Even the caretaker at the council offices has said he'll look out for the cat.
At least we know that he's strong and healthy (given his condition) and can manage for a while without his medication, according to the vet.
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Sorry to hear about your cat missing Boxtops. I really hope you find it. Ours went missing twice, once for 1 week and again for 2 weeks but luckily found both times and ok so I will keep my fingers crossed for you xx
Good Luck with finding Rover boxy. I know how upsetting it is. I hope he will be home soon. ♥
good luck finding Rover Boxtops - try chatting up the local radio station for a mention too.
my dog Tiddles is missing too
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Well, we've done all the flyering up around where he was lost, I've told all 4 local vets, we've been back to the scene yet again but I don't think he's there any more - nearly 24 hours in one place would be a long time for a hungry cat. Now the waiting game begins....
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oh that is so awful... I am paranoid about those darn catches on the cat boxes coming loose!
It sounds like you are doing the right things - posters and going there.

Apparently when a cat is scared they will find somewhere small and dark to hide and wont come out... even if they hear your voice! You just have to keep going back there!!!!
Take boxes of biscuits and whiffy food like tuna or something....
I am so sorry to hear about your cat, Boxy. Hope he turns up soon. xxx
Awww. boxy sorry about Rover.....I'm sure you'll find him x
Boxy, I'm so sorry to hear this - you must be worried sick! But cats are feisty wee things - one of mine would regularly disappear for days on end and the one that used to come into my work once disappeared for 2 months (we were the owner's first port of call when she didn't come home), but she turned up right as rain and wouldn't tell a soul what she'd been up to all that time. I'm sure Rover will come strolling in without a care in the world x
Hope Rover gets home safe and sound before too long :-)
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OH wants to hope that he'll make his way home over time - but it's a long way over unfamiliar territory. My mobile phone is at my side. The cat insurance company has authorised a reward so we've put that on the poster. I just hope with putting my mobile number on the poster, I don't get any nasty phone calls.
I feel for you, Hope he is found soon, Thinking of you

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