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Robinia | 11:16 Mon 16th Apr 2007 | Animals & Nature
587 Answers
Does anyone happen to know what kind of moth this is please, without my having to trawl through hundreds of pics?
It's not really vital that I find out, I'm just curious. Maybe it's something really common...and no, it didn't fly out of my purse. :o)


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Yes Shaney you insist. I don't know much about blood and stuff, butI think it's the same wherever they take it from. I have a friend who is diabetic and at the same time on Warfarin and he has to have blood tests all the time and they ring him up and tell him how many tablets etc. to take. A right pain.
Like Lottie says you get a drink down you. I know it must be difficult to relax. and I do understand your frustration with the clinic. It puts me moaning on about my specs into perspective sorry!
You moan away Jude :)) I bloody would .I remember getting some specs that were awful .
My own fault really for trying to be trendy .They were too narrow for the varifocals and I had to swallow my pride and get some with wider lenses so I could see where I was going !
My bro has all this palaver with blood too as he's on warfarin .He's got this atrial fibrillation and they moniter him all the time.It's a nightmare .He gets about a month's peace and then up goes the blood count again and he has to go up there day to day He takes about 14 tablets a day for various things .
If Mr S hadn't not long had this major surgery it wouldn't be a problem .But I'm blowed if I'm dragging him out in the cold on the bus .And ten a quid a day for taxis is bit of a joke .
It's at times like this that I look back and wish I had learned to drive .
This is what happened to us Jno .Bills from Bupa when we thought we were covered .
We've cancelled ! We 've only used it three times in all the years we had private insurance but mention cancer and they go all jittery .
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Can we all come to Oz jno please?..when your sis has had enough we'll move on to my son

Oh BHF shaney, what a palaver & mr s is going through so much. I'd be pushy too, get them to come to you. Lord knows enough people with cars have home nurses visiting them when they could get to clinics...and I've witnessed someone who arrives home in his car, puts it in the garage and shortly afterwards the ambulance comes to take him to his appointment. I know just what you mean about being able to drive. Enjoy a drink or three!

I've read the article Jude, it's a lovely tribute to him.

Great post in CB from the Ed...about time.
Shaney, doesn't it drive you mad, it's so petty and I though they were bad enough here!

Dear Mr N took me out for a curry as my back was (ahem) too painful for me to cook!! ;-) bless him!

Hope you are feeling alright otherwise.
Hahaaa ..i just looked at that link Jno .
I went out and bought a little set of trimmers for Mr S so I can trim his beard as he can't get to the barbers at the moment and he always goes religiously for his beard trim. .Amongst the odds and sods in this set of trimmers is a nose and ear hair trimmer .Hahaaaa.... he'd love me if I set about him with a nose hair trimmer :)
"Whadya mean ....I've got hairs up my nose .. ..clear off "
glad you can smile Shaney...I am getting really good at pushy and foot down but its really really wearing. DH has got special dressings over his kidney drain tube. They are super stretchy and sticky moisture permeable outwards to keep the would skin perspiration from building up but waterproof inwards so he can shower. Granted they are dear, a bit over 2 quid each, and each dressing (weekly) uses 3. I got so fed up with being told the community don't have them, the doc can't prescribe them that I went to my local friendly chemist and bought them. We are fortunate that we can afford to do that but grrrrrrrr!
Hiya again. Hope your back is easier Neti. Must be sore now the anasthetic has worn off. I could just eat a nice Curry. How's Mr. N's knee these days.
And Woofy hello have your nurse's outfit on again by the sounds of it. Take care.

I'm listening to Robert Plant, one of my favourite singers, on Radio 2. He's with Band of Joy. My kitchen's rocking.!!

I'm going to say goodnight now. Hope you all have a peaceful one.
Sleep tight
Shaney. Surely Mr SS entitled to transport to the surgery/hospital. Mr LL has just thought of that. He has just had a major op, is awaiting surgery and has a catheter. There is no way you should be worrying about how he gets to his appointments. You don't have your own car and it is just not on for his to go on a bus. Can't you make some enquiries. I know our surgery arranges such things in such circumstances.

You have enough to worry about without worrying about transport.

(When I cut Mr LL's hair I attack his nose and ear hairs with the scissors/beard trimmer. When I am armed with the pointy scissors he doesn't dare say anything).

Which reminds me I shall pin him down this weekend - he is looking like Worzel Gummage at the moment.
PS. They won't tell you about transport, you have to ask. They would like to keep their costs down.

Wish I were nearer I could help with the driving.
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oops I forgot to send piles of sympathy to you don't want piles?.. oh please yourself
Hope it heals well.

I've just remembered shaney ...we have a community transport sceme in Derby which includes volunteer car drivers who take people to hospitals etc. Maybe that would help (if you have anything similar) if they get snippy about an ambulance.
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That's what we have too Robinia. There is no problem with getting transport for people who have real difficulties. Mr Shaney shouldn't automatically be getting help.
Yo skin sisters..
only me..:O)me mates just had a liver transplant...we took him down the pub to break it in....lovely jubly(:O)take care..
my, what a nice morning. Can't last, of course. Hope everyone made it through the night.
good morning all hope all are well and looking forward to a better day. We had minor excitement last night as we had fireworks starting at about 10.00pm. I hadn't given the boys their dose as wasn't expecting them anyway by the time it had taken effect over the adrenalin it was 11.45. It tipped it down early this morning so we all stayed in bed. Lie around day today as we were out and about yesterday....might even start the decluttering again.
Shaney take it easy so you are ready to draw breath and start the fight on Monday, Neti, you take it easy too
Kit I hope you get some peace this weekend and good wishes to everyone else.
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Motning from the weebles...we might wobble a bit now & then but we're both staying upright :o)

Yes jno, it is a lovely day.... and...<slaps her either side of the head with her micro slippers> CAN last...tut, such pessimism
I don't know what to do first today, clear up some leaves probably. I might let Chas have a trot about the garden without his harness, I'll just have to make sure he doesn't stumble in the frogpond. It's very shallow but he freaks out if I wipe him with a wet flannel! :o)

Hope everyone's hanging on in there...time to get the cauldron fired up.
Hiya possums, how are we today. No freak bazoom suffocations during the night I trust (Neti you're crazy). Jude you should try Charlie's optometrist instead, they're better than yours (hope they get it right this time) Lottie your cold sounds like the one I had last october. "Tickly cough" sounds funny but it was torture. That's correct Robi - I can listen to some BBC radio but can't watch tv. Hope somebody uploads the swan to YT. Shaney and Woofy you and your hubbies are in my thoughts, every day.

The market I went to the other day was a Jokkmokk market. Jokkmokk is a small Sami town waaay up north but this was a travelling market. (Told you about the indigineous Sami once before but here's a link again The reason I went was partly because I've had my eyes on the Jokkmokk ring for a while, and now I have one I even got to talk to the man who designed it. It's a modern take on a ring from the nineteenth century. The tiny rings attached are traditional in Sami crafts, their function is to rustle and thus ward off "oknytt" (an umbrella term for all sorts of goblins and trolls).

Another part reason why I went was because the Sami are great with wool. There was a fashion show with all biddies on the catwalk ha ha. I saw a wadmal cape that once it gets wet takes two days to dry, but it "breathes" very well and - paradoxically - protects against the wind. (No I didn't buy it...)

Third reason I went, well I
(cont.) Third reason I went, well I'll save that for my next post to give Woofy a cliffhanger;-)


No idea why the Wiki link on Sami people won't work, I'll try again:
(Oh it was because of the full stop and the bracket merging with the URL.)

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