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Robinia | 11:16 Mon 16th Apr 2007 | Animals & Nature
587 Answers
Does anyone happen to know what kind of moth this is please, without my having to trawl through hundreds of pics?
It's not really vital that I find out, I'm just curious. Maybe it's something really common...and no, it didn't fly out of my purse. :o)


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Hi Robi,

I wanted to watch the Little House, then forget it was on and Mr LL watched Spooks (which I can't stand). Was it good? Will it be repeated? I can't do catch ups on the computer until I get my new computer. I can't see any videos or youtubes. In fact I can do very little!! I have no programs on this any more, I have lost all my photos.......................................
etc. etc. My son is busy putting the 'new' computer together for me (when he has time). I expect after dealing with computers all day at work that he really struggles with starting on one for me when he gets home. I can't moan though, I have never had to pay for a computer yet!!

How is Charlie today?
Henry is a marvel, really gets up all the cat hairs, I don´t need to buy a new carpet anymore as it is actually green and not grey! I knew George was a good sucker but way too heavy for me now and could never get to grips with the shampooing bit, too many tubes and bowls and things to attach!

Am off for a practice drive to see if I can get to the airport to collect hija as the buses are few and far between now.
ps I am always breaking the little toes, they seem to go one side of the furniture/doors and the rest of the foot goes the other side. Actually not too painful today.
Neti, I have a feeling that I may have broken little toes more often than the ones I know were broken. Just like you, I have a habit of going barefoot and my little toes often part company with the rest of them. I have a permanently black little toe nail resulting from years of abuse!!
And talking about fractures and breaks, I have also fractured my wrist, elbow and vertebrae. Do you think I might be accident prone!!
I certainly wouldn't want to be neti's furniture and spend my life getting kicked. And there may be a case for keeping my distance from Lottie too, in case it's catching. It's like Hell's Grannies round here.

I haven't mentioned all the other injuries that didn't involve broken bones. At one point Mr LL decided that we would be better off buying a house next door to A&E!!
Managed to drive to airport, and what a surprise there, it's nearly all been demolished as they are extending it. Nowhere to have a coffee, looked like Beirut! Daughter drove back as foot went completely numb! Off for a rest and a cuppa. Have to see the nurse at 8pm (I am normally in bed by then!)
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<keeps a safe distance from Limp-a-lottie>
I thought the Little House was ok Lottie, not too complicated & I like Francesca Annis very much...part two next Mon at 9pm.
Charlie's fine thanks, back to his old self. I think he's lost a bit of weight but dogs and their owners.... :o)

Well I seem to be having a very odd, psychic day so if there's anything you want to know...? Not the lotto numbers tho', I'm not that good...or that daft

and I can't get the word maverick out of my head....mean anything?
"it's nearly all been demolished" - they must have known you were coming and decided they'd save you the bother of kicking it down, then.

Rawhide's coming out on DVD, Robinia, I've alerted Dot; not sure about Maverick though.
hello whoopses and tripsies how are we all today? all okay here just going to get the hoover out (Dyson actually)
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well I was just thinking about pushing the dyson round but I see I've successfully managed to transfer that thought to woofy :o)
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<< shaney didn't stab me with a dart, I'm wearing a poppy...thought I'd better be nice today...don't worry, it won't last
Oh Robi, can you put a poppy onto my avatar? I wouldn't have a clue. Please.
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it'll be my pleasure neti...I've got a pin here somewhere...back in a min

<<< weeps softly >>> how can some people be so cruel, here am I defo some sort of invalid, and getting abuse, deep sigh.....
.........and then there's shaney, cheering up at others misfortunes, oh what a world, I despair................
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you'll have to save it to your pics neti & use it as a new avatar with gravatar...sorry I'm not able to stick it dreckly onto you with a long pin, I think I'd have the Ed after me if I could edit people's avatars...ooooh to have that power..


that'll be £2 please, one for me, one for the poppy appeal
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hahaha, lol jno, I did that too & then erased it...
no respect, tut

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