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Robinia | 11:16 Mon 16th Apr 2007 | Animals & Nature
587 Answers
Does anyone happen to know what kind of moth this is please, without my having to trawl through hundreds of pics?
It's not really vital that I find out, I'm just curious. Maybe it's something really common...and no, it didn't fly out of my purse. :o)


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Robi, I've just remembered that your email is playing up, and have sent you a funny email! Hope you get it!
Kit, it is indeed one day, but people tend to wear them 'a bit' in advance... and the bit seems to me to be growing. Plus there is a lot of self-righteousness about it that leads to people writing to newspapers in terms of outrage that a politician or a newsreader was seen not wearing one, even if it was weeks in advance. I respond by never wearing one myself - nobodies like me can get away with it - and on the very odd occasion anyone raises the subject I point out that it has nothing to do with whether I support charities for servicemen or not.

I suppose even by Remembrance day you won't get more than half the public wearing them, though it may be different in strongly patriotic areas like Derby. Incidentally, not all Derby biddies spend all their time on the web:
Well, I've changed the avatar, let's see if it pops up!
Yer it is, thanks dear robi, and jno may change to yourn later!
Question Author
Morning...lovely one it is too so I won't be spending it all on the internet <ahem!>..

Kit - No, Charlie didn't have a specific diagnosis but she did say the head tilt (now resolved) could have suggested stroke/s (as I mentioned the only way to determine anything more sinister such as a tumour is with an MRI scan but at 14 and with a bad heart there'd be little to nothing they'd do anyway)....Then there was this possible infection. Little booger spat half his antibiotic back out this morning, he's fine with the other meds, it must taste nasty. I squashed it into some cheese but he still kept shaking his head so I think he's only ended up swallowing 3 quarters of it.
Your friend should go to the doc, it might be easily sorted. There are a few of us here I believe who can't walk in a straight line...for whatever reaon :o)

In real life I very rarely wear a poppy, they only get lost and sticking pins in a placcy mac isn't a good idea anyway. And I think about a week before the 11th is early enough to wear one.

mmm, I must start buying the local paper again, I see I've been missing out on the Quad Knitting Squad
Good morning. It's a lovely day and I've been for my walk already, which is a change for me I usually go in the afternoon.
Thanks for the poppy Robi. I like to wear mine but I keep forgetting when I change my coat. So I'm a bit hit and miss but I believe it is for a good cause and it doesn't matter whether you war a poppy or not.
Have a good day with your sister Shaney. I know how lovely they can be, my two are. My Dad use to say 'I have 4 kids and they all have different personalities'. I doubt we would be able to live together full time but we are there for each other when needed and have some good times together.
(You're all going to get email today sometime today)
I'm off out to lunch again today with my neighbour friend. She's on holiday from her afternoon job (she has a morning one as well) so we're heading off for a meal. Going to take her out to a country pub.
Have a good day all see yer later 'gater(s) x
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♫...oh crappy day...♫
Well after the lovely start that's what it turned out to be, it's piddled down since lunch time. It dropped really cold and I decided to run the heating through for half an hour...but it decided otherwise...tried again a few hrs later & lo! it worked again.

I've been talking to my family in Oz & it was 37C there today! eek! That is very freaky for this time of yr & they were warned. Shame our weather people don't get it right. Reading between the lines they don't sound very thrilled with it all, so unless they suddenly settle into it my money remains on them coming back.

and it's very po piddle
So pleased I went walking this morning Nothing but rain since as Robi says. Been to the Harvester for lunch on Pride Park then went to Costco for a look arouind. My friend has a card and she bought a few bits for Christmas. I didn't have a close look at anything because I don't do anything about Cnristmas until after November 6th, my youngest's birthday.
Pleased you've been chatting to your family Robi. I brilliant how you can span all the miles and talk and see them. In the old days it was a quick 3 minutes or an airmail letter. on that blue thin paper they used to do.
It's cuppa tea time now....bye for a bit....

Then I've just been back to Sainsburys for 25% off clothes day. Bought another pair of trousers, this time brown ones.
Question Author
well I'm not far behind you now size-wise Jude...if I cram plenty of stollen & mince pies over xmas & I'll be able to sneak round & raid your wardrobe while you're out wafting your arms about :o)
LOL Robi. I bet I put a bit back on so I'm hanging on to my 14s. I really could do with a 13 like I've said but there seems to have a bit more material in Sainsubrys stuff.
Robi did you get my email which I've sent everybody else please?
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no, sorry folks, I'm still not receiving emails
ha, reading Robinia's posts should be enough to deter anyone from returning to England.

Just got back from Costco myself laden with steaks, oranges and a back-up external hard drive which I hope works considering the price. Nearly got some nice pampas grass till I noticed the note that said it needs sunshine. So how come everyone else round here is growing it in the shade?
Evening foreigners (he he). Thanks Neti, jno and Robi for poppy explanations and thanks Robi for replying about dizzy diagnoses. "She should see a doctor" - yeah, you think? ;-) She's convinced when you see a doctor about one illness they find two additional ones you hadn't yet noticed and that might have resolved themselves had the doctor not spotted them and they start a great machinery with brain scans and what-not... and she's right isn't she... but I wish she'd just do it anyway.

Robi you should get a Yahoo account. I have several of the free ones and it's been years since I had any problems with any of them (to the best of my knowledge, I guess I should say). Jude those thin airmail letters are still about, somebody I worked with very briefly some twenty years ago contacted me again a while back and now writes me letters I can't open without damaging (paper and envelope are one and the same) and I can't read his writing and he asks me questions about Sweden's GDP - heyulp... (<< I just had to use that word just once, it's so funny) ...AND he calls Swedes (read: me) uncompromising. Long story but basically it's about me not being all that keen on writing GDP letter essays ha ha...

Interesting project at the library today, I passed by a room which is normally used as a silent study room for teenagers and I saw through the glass windows the room was full of sewing machines and teenage girls. Huh? I thought to myself and then I saw the note on the door: MAKE YOUR OWN LOLITA SKIRT! If only I'd known sooner I'd have brought my own machine! Nobody ever tells me anything till it's too late!
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<hmmm, thought as much...pampas in front garden = swingers within>
Question Author
It's never too late Kit...a consultant told me that so it must be true :o)
I think I had a yahoo account once, I'll go rummage through some drawers
I have a pampas grass in my garden - it is huge and hides amongst the trees. I am rather fond of it actually and it is looking lovely against the orange and red autumn leaves of the trees. I am not a swinger!!! (I can hardly shift myself at the moment, let alone swing.

Well, I am actually almost up and running again and have been out and about to Morrisons (how exciting) to fill up my food cupboards again. This is the first day I have actually dressed since Sunday. Mind you I now feel quite exhausted. Whatever that bug was, it has left me drained.

I have just collected my washing off the line. It is dripping wet and I dropped two of Mr LL's shirts in the mud. It was nice when I put the washing out and then just afterwards the rain came down. I was hoping it would stop, but no it didn't. Now I have wet things draped around and two loads of tumble drying to do. Bloody weather.

Mr LL has gone to Lutterworth. Is that anywhere near Derby?

Shaney, email.

See you folks soon.

Evening chooks
Yes a crippy day here too .It did look quite bright for a while that rain soon arrived from Derbys :)
Had a nice couple of hours this afternoon scoffing scones with cream and jam and a good chinwag .
Nothing much going on at Shaneytowers otherwise .Same old .We see the consultant on friday for the verdict on Mr S .Fingers crossed .

Did anyone watch that thing about the High Streets last night .What a load of old rubbish and I was looking forward to it .But as soon as I saw that awful Greg Wallace chap I groaned and nodded off halfway through .

What a lovely photo Jude are all very alike .

Take care all see you later ..... I've just got to run up a quick Lolita skirt :)
I've just Googled them ..shut your eyes Vinny .
Glad you sound more cheerful shaney.

Stitches out tomorrow so expect maons and groans from yours truly, I'll be glad to get the back scratcher out, tis driving me mad.

Foot not half as painful today but very blue.

Am struggling through Ladies of Leisure, and then The Little House, looking forward to that!

Nighty night, bless you all xxx
Would you knit me one then Shaney;-) (But seriously I think it's in very poor taste to name a skirt that. Or a kid - I once met one called Lolita =:0) Glad you had a good day and oh forgot to say I was impressed with your dart skills. So now we have one darts ace and one jitterbug champion - not bad for a bunch of biddies:)

If YouTube is broken it's because I can't stop playing Rebecca Ferguson songs. What a voice.

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