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Robinia | 11:16 Mon 16th Apr 2007 | Animals & Nature
587 Answers
Does anyone happen to know what kind of moth this is please, without my having to trawl through hundreds of pics?
It's not really vital that I find out, I'm just curious. Maybe it's something really common...and no, it didn't fly out of my purse. :o)


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Ignors Robi - thank you jno, you are clever, now let's see if i can save it etc.
Calm down Neti old girl :) I am sorry about your foot .Just take care xx

I have to deal with daily jabs ,horrid dressings and pants that are too unbelievable to mention on a daily basis lately.Mr S. can't bath or shower on his own so I have to help him .
He can't stretch or bend but insists on fumbling with the bloody dishwasher ,.And now this warfarin has affected his stoma thingy and we get either constipation or loads .I won't go into further details :)
Suffice to say it's no joy ride .
Thank God for Bosch and his washing machine :)
Thought I might have had a free day today ( no nurses ) but no ringing constantly or I'm constantly on the phone and aggro with piddle tablets .He hasn't got enough and I've had to ring the hospital and surgery and blah de blah de blah.....

Yes ..I watched Little House Robinia . Francesca Annis is lovely .
I read the book by Philppa Gregory . She wrote Respectable Trade .I don't know if you ever watched it .It was with Warren Clarke and he was a slave trader .
Anna Massey was in it .It was briliant . She writes history type books .The Boleyn Girl etc .Very good books .
Otherwise i know nothing .Bit of a dull day here but breezy so got loads of washing dry,thank goodness .Onwards and upwards.
Hope you are all as well as can be ..take care .

Ooh yes I see the BM has that exhibition Jno .The Day of the Dead thing .Will you be going ?
I saw a clip on the news this morning .I would love to go .
KBO folks xxx
oh, poor Shaney, sounds like full-scale but unpaid nursing work there, only with the added burden of fighting the NHS every step. I do hope you make headway. Wrangling with bureaucracy is not my best subject (and injections are my worst), so I deeply sympathise.

I'm hoping to get to the Egyptian exhibition some time - I saw the Gauguin one a couple of weeks ago and thought it was fascinating. It was really the Day of the Dead Ibizan I had in mind though, as neti was out celebrating it.
sympathy Shaney, even at DH's worst it wasn't that bad. It WILL get better and the digestion WILL settle. We are still counting every ml of liquid in and out of DH to be sure that his kidney is still ok but that's minor compared to your situation.
Neti you cannot fool us, you tried to kick Hija all round the kitchen and missed and kicked the table instead didn't you?
DH has gone up to the place my car came from (about 25 mins drive) a warning light came on and when we phoned them they said can you drive it? bring it here now!) I could easily have done it myself but he is back in head of the household mode and its doing him good so I didn't argue. I am amusing myself in R and S.....
don't be mean, neti, Robi has given you a very nice poppy on her link, takes years off you too.
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That's an awful lot for one biddy to cope with shaney...don't be afraid to ask for help if you need it cos they don't throw it at you if you keep buggering on in silence.
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Oh it's ok jno and to show I haven't taken offence I've brought something in from my garden for her...

Evening peeps..
its only meee.
is that really you netti..looking good fer yer age.Me puttas playing up .it keeps on flashing and takes fer ever to scroll...its gettin binned soon.Me son went to nottingham for a wedding over the weekend..went to a place called hooters for a drink...lucky git.Then him and his mates found they were £500 squid short after useing a hole in the wall. Dodgy place that nottingham...Im sure I know somebody from there..:O)hope everybodys okay....laters.
I've got a lovely silk poppy that was my Dad's . He always wore his poppy 'cos he was in the MN during the war . Not that he was fond of warmongering . Its so frail now I would think it would fall to bits if I took it to wear .I've got it pressed in a book .
I like those enamel ones but you only seem to be able to get them on t'internet .

Neti looks rather fetching with her poppy :)

Have you got yer sprouts on yet Vinny ?
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oh I bet he has shaney...yo Vinny! your avatar hasn't got much room for a poppy has she...but there's the ideal place for this pin :o)
Evening all. Shaney I'm so sorry for what you have to cope with, but perhaps you and Mr s are happier doing the personal things together but if you need help you should ask, as I'm sure it's out there for you.
Mr W sounds like he is getting back in his stride Woofy. Especially on his bike, I hope so anyway.
My nethers are getting better at last with the steroid cream the Doc gave me thank goodness He's given me a paper for my next blood test and I have to go back in a month when I've had it. II remember yousyaing robi when they've got you at the docs ands hospitals they never let you go and you're right.
Jno and Robi you are clever how do you do that.poppy thing?
Been to Sainsburys today and all the clothes were 25% off so I bought a pair of trousers and a wool top which is lilac very long and comfortable and the trousers were size 12 yippee!! I saved £7 and got triple nectar points.
Going to watch the Cooking programme now Masterchef the final.
Have a good night all you lovely Biddyfriends xx
Aaaw my sis in law just phoned .I'm to go round for a girls chinwag,coffee and cake tomorrow afto . With my partner in crime ( SiL's sister,we are known as the bridesmaids ) and another friend. Lovely . Mr S is happy about it and I need a break .
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That's lovely shaney & well deserved. I was thinking about you earlier & how a close sister can be a blessing at times like voila! you were sent one. Enjoy yourselves & make plenty of cake disappear :o).....My mind really is ahead of the game today.

Thanks for mentioning sains Jude, I missed the last money off days, I might make this one. I bet the coat I liked has gone now tho (navy pea/reefer style)
I've given you a poppy but I didn't like to pin one to JD, he might be against it

Aww shaney, what a load to carry, this is when we realise how much we love the other half. Thank heavens mr s has you.

I am in fine fettle almost, stitches to come out on Thursday and foot getting better as it's only a tiny break in a tiny bone and not anything to get dramatic about - I ask you!!

Thanks robi and jno, will transfer my avatar to gravatar tomorrow, am so tired right now.

night night all you lovely people.
Thought I'd just flutter by and wish you all a Goodnight .
I'm off up the wooden hill .Sleep well biddybabes .See you later xx
good morning all...Shaney have a lovely day today
Morning people, just a quickie before Armageddon. Question for Robi: Did Charlie get a very specific diagnosis or just "earrelated"? The reason I ask is cos I was talking on the phone to a friend yesterday and she seems to have similar symptoms and, being a nurse, nothing could convince her to go see a doctor;-) She's dizzy, particularly in the evening, and says her eyes move. I described nystagmus but that didn't seem to be quite it. She has macular degeneration but she's had that for a long time. She hasn't even told her guy she has it (they don't live together) and I'm concerned that she may be worse off for not having it seen to early, did the vet say anything like that: "Good thing you came early" ...?

Vinny the scroll bar on my puta could almost not be budged a couple of months ago, turned out to be a Trojan...

Yes Shaney what Woofy said: Have a wonderful day, you so deserve it xxx

Uh-oh, I hear them... I'm outta here!
(THAT was written in haste, if it sounded like I meant she hasn't told her man she has macular degeneration, that was not what I meant, I meant she hasn't told him about the dizziness.)
PS nice poppies but - no disrespect intended, I'm just looking to educate myself - is it Remembrance MONTH? (I thought it was one specific day.)
Morning all

Yes have a nice day shaney. x

I can't use those lovely avatars Robi and jno as I cannot crop them, and all that appears in my box is a section of the wall, have tried it on both computers. Will try again later. Would be fun Robi if you could "adapt" others avatars!!!

Hello Kit, well it is Rememberance Day on the 11th day of the 11th month, and they use the sunday nearest for Rememerance Sunday. People wear the poppies in November as a mark of respect for our dead, and the poppy money goes towards helping the veterans. Youngsters today have lost all respect for this tradition, but I remember having to stand still (all 7 of us) for the minute's silence and woe betide anyone of us who giggled, cos we didn't understand it. Of course when I was young it was very recent history.

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