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Robinia | 11:16 Mon 16th Apr 2007 | Animals & Nature
587 Answers
Does anyone happen to know what kind of moth this is please, without my having to trawl through hundreds of pics?
It's not really vital that I find out, I'm just curious. Maybe it's something really common...and no, it didn't fly out of my purse. :o)


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morning all, thanks for the email Jude, lovely pic. Shaney i am glad you had a good time.
pampas is lovely of you have the space for it, you have to be SURE as well because its the devil to remove once established. Lottie I am glad to hear that you are feeling better, don't push yourself too much, take it easy, it won't help if you go backwards and virusses are the devil. neti be brave at the docs, Kit don't kill any more workmen. I used to love those thin aerogram letters. DH used to send them to me from forn parts before we were me they are so chic and adult. I know what you mean about poppies jno, its like all this nonsense about which way up to wear them and on which side of the coat...bit like organised religion and cookery...humans DELIGHT in taking something simple and good and making a huge complicated song and dance about it.
I am glad that the Silence is making its way back though. I was on Waterloo station a few years ago and everything and almost everyone just was very moving.
Dolly if you are reading this, thanks for the funnies, Kit i got the new avatar but haven't had a chance to change over, also I am very fond of my high 5.
DH is back to the hospital for scans today to check on the plumbing repairs. Touching wood as i speak, his latest blood results are really really good. he still gets much tireder than he should but we are plodding the right way i hope. The nurse who changed his dressing noticed that he has some dry irritated patches of shin so has prescribed him a cream, its the human version of what Shughy has when his skin plays up (fucithalmic, called fucibet in humans) which I find screamingly funny and DH less so.
Long walk in a gale this morning...quite nice actually, very bracing and lovely to see the clouds racing along past the stars
night all
Lol Woofy perhaps he's afraid you're secretly slipping him canine fireworks valium rolled up in cheese every morning he he he. Seriously though that's delightful news about the blood results, good luck to him today. /The cartoonish avatar that rolled his eyes and waved his axe was just for fun - a mental image of you demolishing your husband's motorbike - and would lose a lot of its... erm... charm? as an AB avatar anyway, as it's animated and AB doesn't support that. I too still like the high-five:)

Have a good day biddies and hippie!
Hi 5 !

Good news woofy, good on DH, hopefully he's getting there this time, good luck tohim today. Was up at 6am your time as the sun was streaming in and it's all rather nice at the moment, (am still in bed on laptop) but getting very hungry. Must start walking and eating better food next week before I pile on the pounds again.

was thinking about mr s last night, poor man, how does he feel about the indignity of it all shaney, if he's anything like Mr N (as he does sound similar) he would be mortified at his illness. Still he'll recover, never fear!

Hope you can get into your apartment soon Swedie, it must be horrid having to roam the city, and not too warm there now is it?

Hope the rest of you are all well and happy.

Jude I emailed you saying how lovely your family is and how alike you all are. Love the bro!!
Morning all. Thanks for your lovely comments on my photo. Kit and Neti you have email.
All the best to Mr W. and Woofy for today. It all sounds a lot better than it did and well done about the blood tests.
Thinking of you as well Shaney and Mr S.
I'm going to my cousin's funeral today and I'm expecting to see some relations I haven't seen for a long while, they live down South and I think they will be coming up today.
It's scything down here this morning but may just stop a bit later on. It had better do I have a load of towels to get dry.
Anyway have a good day everyone.
See yer later 'gater(s)
Question Author
Morning Lolitas...yes, it's wet 'n windy but so very mild, puta says 15C. It's odd but very welcome, saves on the gas. My cherry tree has been glorious.

Hope the day goes well for you Jude, try not to be too sad, your cousin had a good life. Sorry I can't see your mail, I'll try to get another address sorted but all I seem to do is go round in circles when it should be the easiest thing to do. It used to be so but now it's all 'verify this and that...tell us what your bra size is...blah' Maybe it's me being too cautious

Glad you had a nice break shaney. When you're very ill you always end up surrendering your dignity to someone, hopefully temporarily, but it was one of the reasons we couldn't take care of our brother ourselves, it wouldn't have been right. And there's the physical strength that's required too.

lol @ the 'doggy drugs'...tell Mr W he's on the Bob Martin's next week woofy :o)
I've wrestled with Charlie & his meds...I blew on his face & massaged his throat & I think they stayed down... I'll probably find he's spat 'em out in my slippers.

Hope the rest of you are batting on...stop scratching neti, I'll get your stitches out I haven't packed away my secateurs yet.
Morning all, Robi it sounds like Charlie is doing well. My wild cherry leaves are a mass of colour and my autumn cherry is just coming into flower..still got some roses too.
Just been jumped on by both dogs, for some reason windy days make them silly.
morning all... I can hardly hear myself type for the sound of leaves thundering down all along the road, but they've been unusually pretty this year. Yes, it's been very warm lately - I hardly slept the night before last, I was sweltering in bed and ended up without any covering at all, which is unusual for me even in summer. Mustn't complain, it's better than chilblains.

Lovely photo, Jude, you do look a jolly lot.
'ere i is, back from doctor's and no stitches although itching continues, said I could gently "rascar" tomorrow, I think it means scratch.

Damn warm here today, back in summer tops and jeans, although I always wear my boots!
it means you can drive around Iceland
ha ha jno, had to think about that one!! Think I would rather scratch if it's all the same to you !
that 'phew' you can hear isn't Icelanders breathing a sigh of relief, it's just another volcano...
Question Author
oooh, it's a bit wild out there...well I raked up a huge mound of 'glorious' and a gust of wind came and......errr......may I apologise in advance to Norfolk > > > > > > >
So it was you Robinia!!

Actually I have never seen so many leaves or such lovely colours as this autumn. I am just off out with dog for 1/2 hr up the field. Couldn't go earlier they were shooting out there :o(.

Hope news is good for Mr S today.

See you all later.
Had a windswept walk down the lane past the farm and over the fields. It's really warm out there - I came back boiling hot!!
oh, and thanks for the urban legend about pampas grass, Robinia... just as well we didn't join the neighbourhood club after all, I suppose. Though I hate feeling left out.
Evening all, just passing through with fingers crossed for Mr S for tomorrow. Hope he gets to see one of the good doctors :)) Will be thinking of you tomorrow Shaney xxx

Aww Neti don't worry about me, I spend lots of time at the library and there are worse fates than that. Not being a splendid specimen of rustic health it's true I am kinda weary by now (and my cold has got worse:( but then so are millions of other folk on this planet and at least I can see an end to it even if it's not till the end of November, probably. I did have a whopping good cry a couple of days ago and it did me good. I wish I could sleep at night but I seem to be from another planet in that regard so I'm getting by on just a few hours. The scaffolding men start at 8 a.m. and the fiber-optic team are in the building till 17.30... Had a really scary health-related nightmare a while back and since then I'm trying to, as I said before, Just Do It, as I otherwise I tend to get myself dangerously wound up. It's better for me not to feel so damn sorry for myself - and with Woofy and Shaney around it IS easy for me to keep things in perspective. But thanks for your concern:)) Would anyone care to make a donation for the READCYCLE BIN at the library? Great idea isn't it, throw an old book away and pick up a "new" one that somebody else has thrown away.

BTW Neti the diet article you posted (something about forget everything you thought you knew about dieting) is basically what I've been describing under the name of LCHF - low carb, high fat. My friend who more or less drinks cream, remember...? Fine for meat eaters but not for veggies and that friend is a veggie so I don't think she should do it. But does she listen. No.

Hope today went all right Jude xxx

Lol@ jno "drive ar
(cont.) Lol@ jno "drive around Iceland" ha ha ha ha!

Just heard this on the radio - wow
Ah poor swedie, yes you can feel sorry for yourself, and it is justified. Can't you get a cheap holiday away for a couple of weeks, can't be here as the island is now officially closed til May! Take care and keep warm.

Any news of mr s?
Buenas dias amigos! Am off to buy a poppy and to bling it up a bit!
this is what you're after, neti


looks good on the older woman too.

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