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i'm on a roomba, dude!

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swedeheart | 19:33 Wed 20th Jan 2010 | Animals & Nature
510 Answers
Ha ha ha ha ha!

Is the cat just trying to get the dog out of the way for the dog's own protection, do you think? They seem friendly enough otherwise - the dog doesn't seem to mind, and the cat doesn't seem aggressive once it gets off the Roomba.


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I quite like Shakespeare, but can't stand Dickens!! But I agree that Simon Callow is a wonderful actor with an incredible voice.
No I don't bite into apples anymore either fact I'll soon be on heinz baby strained apples :o)

Can't stand Dickens! <gasp!>...but watabout the Muppet Christmas Carol??!! Tis a masterpiece....and Oliver? Now we're talking...or singing...

♫...Food, glorious food....♫

btw, before anyone gets on at me I rang the doc's this morning...he's away for the rest of this & all of next week. If I get any worse I'll see one of the others but the last time I saw a 'spare' he gave me 2 prescriptions (finally & after I'd stapled his tie to the desk) and one of them was made out with the name & address of a six yr old girl :o/
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Afternoon all, I've just sent my Google Translator off to the funny farm, he's never heard such language as in Shaney's song he he he.

Jude I like your way of sorting the housework:) As for my own vacuum cleaning, well get this: There's a filter of some kind that should be changed after 50 hours of use, and there's a small lamp alert that tells you when it's time. A number of weeks ago I was thinking to myself hm, that alert must be broken, it must be 50 hours by now, after all, it's been 17 years (ha ha not quite). So I changed the filter in spite of the little lamp not having gone on, and whuddaya know, next time I turned the cleaner on, the alert lit up...! I called the manufacturer to ask if this was an indication that I'd put the filter in the wrong way or something but he said no, it's not an intelligent lamp, it just counts the hours that's all. So I've come to the conclusion that my vacuum cleaner has somehow managed to establish a psychic connection with me - must be cos it seems to him the only way of staying in touch with me at all ha ha.

Whatcha scribblin' in your scribblin' book Robi?

How is it humanly possible to win so many prizes jno, what's the secret? BTW have you been to see that exhibition I-forget-where (V&A?) with Audrey Hepburns dresses?
hello all, fell asleep on the settee after posting here and just opened the door to the postie in my jammies and a fleece jacket. Luckily my jammies are the opaque flowered middle aged kind he's unshockable. DH much much better...I would be dancing but it sets me cawf awf. Chocolate complan isn't as nice as strawberry.
The boys are out sunbathing today, then they get too hot and come indoors looking all pathetic then they go outside again.
Its sweltering ere..!hang on a mo,ive just gotta ring me vest out...phew..!what a day.On me way back to work earlier and I spotted this young bird crying...(no its not a bloomin song)so pulls up the car and she says she's locked out of the house and her babys inside on the top floor asleep.I saw a window open but no chance of climbing up there,its a big house.So i told her to call the feds....left her mobile inside.So I calls the feds and has a chat to her and trys to calm her down.She's staying with these people who are foster parents but she's being assessed over her parenting skills...ooops..!anyways the police turns up and the lady bobby seems to know this young lady....adds 2 and 2 together..methinks she's been in the shi$e before.I cant make up me mind if she's done this thing for some kind off attention or am I being to suspicious..?Are leave that to you older one's..(:O)its the beatles label jude.Apple.
Have spent the last 2hrs translating my daughter's friend's CV from Catalan to Englaish and some of the words just do not exist! Oh well, if he ends up as a pole dancer and not a receptionist then it's jolly well not my fault!!!!
Oooh, I love vanilla Complan woofy, I often have some made with milk as a calorie boost.
She sounds too iffy to get involved with time you see her just keep going. Good thing you didn't get in the house...we might have had to come & get you out of the Wooly dungeon.

Well my vac's under lock & key under the stairs so unless he's Houdini he won't be seeing daylight anytime soon...Kit I'm scribbling a story about life in AnswerBleak House, it's very a short but complicated plot...part 2 will be Great Expectorations.

scribbling book = sudoku :o)
Robi is vanilla labelled as original flavour?
Vinny it doesn't actually matter the whys and wherefores, you did the right thing :-)
no woofy, I don't like original much, it's a bit cardboardy. It tastes like vanilla ice cream, very sweet...
thank you for that, I wonder why in the related articles column. jock itch pops up on the Complan page
lol...does mr woofy like slippery elm food?...I swear it's the best thing for getting your digestion back on track
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Eek, I just got a Viagra offer from my own email address, oh noooeees... how many others will be getting them too, from me, I wonder=:o To cut a very long story short I suspect my FB account got hacked, having to do with watching a perfectly innocent clip "This man took a photo of himself every day for 15 years", you know the sort, a time-lapse film. So don't click on anything of the sort, possums, or you'll soon be getting dirty suggestions from yourself! It wasn't the email address I use for you lot though so HOPEFULLY "I" won't be harassing any of you.

Yes you absolutely did the right thing in either case Vinny, what else could you have done really. Just maybe don't get further involved if you can help it, it does sound like she's got Trouble stamped on her forehead. I recall this one time a few years back I came home in the middle of the night and the stairway was pitch-black. No way did I dare go inside and up the stairs in the dark. I just stood there on the pavement and wondered what the hell I was gonna do, then this kind looking young man walked by and I asked him if he would pleeease escort me up the stairs. And he did, and at the time it didn't occur to me how very brave that was of him - I mean, I could actually have been the accomplice of some jack-the-ripper waiting in the dark for our victim to step into our trap...
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...but I wasn't:)
i get viagra offers everyday . At least I don't get any porn popping up as some people do. I never watch or communicate with anyone on FB that I don't know. It's just all so very dodgy out there!!!
I'm sending you a mucky book neti
Question Author
...but do you get them from your own email address Neti.

Just saving 50 million Swedish kronor up (that's nearly 4 and a half million quid) to buy one of these apartments here. Look at the view... There are nine photos in the slideshow, interspersed with commercials so keep your eye on the photo counter to know what's what
oh fabulous Kit, I'll share with you if that's a help?...only 2 & quarter million each that way...I'll see how much there is in piggy...

Lovely apartment KIt. You could fit my house, I don't know how many times, in that.
I've had a great day. Went to Belper outside Derby to my friends then we walked to a pub called The Holly Bush at Makeney. We went a lovely walk over the fields with cows and horses in. It didn't take all that long about 3/4 hour then we had a long lunch, sundried toms and mozzerella and salad then we walked back a different way, a bit further. Great. I even had to put factor 15 on because we were in the sun a lot. Then I came home and sat in the garden. Just dismissed the thoughts of housework Kit.
While I was out I discovered I had lost my credit card. Didn't panic. Couldn't find it when I got home so had it blocked. Then rang Sainsburys and one of my friends I spoke to said "we've got it here" lol. so I now have to wait 7 days for my new one.

Vin they're just playing this on the radio
I bet it's not your fave! And it's a bit late for me!
I think you did the right thing about that youngster because she may have been in real trouble and if anything had happened and you hadn't done something, that woulod have upset you.

Kit I get offers for Viagra I just delete. I never open any emails I don't know who it is. I get some from a bank which I don't belong to but never open them either. And never do I talk to anybody on FB who I don't know or accept a friendship from anybody like that. Very cautious. That's me.

Off for a cuppa have a good rest of the day.....Bye for now
I should have said the toms and mozzerella were in paninis lol!!

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i'm on a roomba, dude!

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