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i'm on a roomba, dude!

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swedeheart | 19:33 Wed 20th Jan 2010 | Animals & Nature
510 Answers
Ha ha ha ha ha!

Is the cat just trying to get the dog out of the way for the dog's own protection, do you think? They seem friendly enough otherwise - the dog doesn't seem to mind, and the cat doesn't seem aggressive once it gets off the Roomba.


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oh kit, I like the way the walls and ceiling are done out int he national colours, saves hanging flags out the window for the World Cup.

Good for you Vinny, not everyone gets help when they're in trouble in the street.
Evening all
It's been a lovely day here and I've done b.all exept loll in the garden and read a book .
No good me translating that Neti .I would be banned from AB toot sweet :)
The words wouldn't make sense in English anyway and wouldn't rhyme .Lets just say it's about fumbling around in brothels in Barcelona :)

I want one of those apartments ..I'd be happy to live in the shoe cupboard .
Vinny you're a good samaritan .
Oh please don't mention the World Cup ,Mr S goes into patriotic mode and we run up huge phone bills .
so now I have to look over my shoulder every time I go out in case I am clickjacked? This world is going mad, I tell thee.
....and you do go out an awful lot jno!!!!!!
Question Author
Yes Neti that's exactly what happened! ...except I didn't even click on the "Click to continue" link, I just clicked to see the vid that a friend of mine had done thumbs up for - or, rather, that's what it looked like. On clicking her link I was brought to the click-here-to-continue page and now THAT seemed odd to me so I just backed out using the back-arrow on top of my screen (toolbar) - but apparently that was enough, cos the "Kit likes this" link was promptly installed to my own profile. Thank you so much for posting the article Neti, I've been googling for info but haven't come up with anything - we do get different search results depending on which country we're in when we google.

Jude I get Viagra email every day but not from *myself* lol - it came from my own email address! How on earth did you manage not to panic when you found your credit card was missing, I'd have died...

Robi I see your piggy is my piggy's twin... Haa jno I hadn't even noticed the stairway is the colours of our flag, I just thought it was horrid... but the view, the view... and the apartment wasn't bad was it, just the stairway.
Question Author
Clickjacking Q here http://www.theanswerb...t/Question902153.html
Thanks again Neti, it's a relief to know it wasn't a malicious attack:)
Right at the risk being thought very strange, I don't much like that apartment (although if it was given to me I'd accept). I hate big homes (due no doubt to being brought up in one which was exceptionally cold and not cosy ever). But for that amount of money I'd get something detached and away from other folk!

Yes I often get emails from myself (rude one too) but always in my junk mail, it does worry me somewhat! Off to collect Mr N from the garage as his van needs repairing! There goes my lie-in!!!!
Morning folks.
Thanks very much for your brilliant answers.Does that mean now I is one off them there heroes I can have me advocaat was worth trying though..hehe..!lovely day init..!(:O)
Morning all
Lovely day here too VInny :)
Hope everyone is OK.
Now,I know I'm not the sharpest tool in the box but how do you get emails from yourself ?
Dear Shaney
Apart from talking to yourself ,you are now writing to yourself
Yours, very worried .

I'm off to Clickjack round Morrisons .T.pip for now .
me too Neti, small house with loads of land for the dogs to run on and NO neighbours...everywhere we have lived, we've had weird neighbours. one of ours here spends his whole time (he is retired) raking leaves, cleaning gutters and manicuring the lawn. When he retired, he bought himself a brand new car. His wife who still works drove around in a really old unreliable banger. a year later, he decides he doesn't like his car, so he gave it to his wife and bought himself another brand new one.
part 2
On the other side we have a couple who make Israel's border controls look like an open house policy. We live in a group of houses with a three legged drive area. One leg takes you out to the road, one leg goes to 4 garages (ours and gutter neighbours) and the other leg goes to the other neighbours garages. moving cars is a bit tight so if the space is clear previously we have all used each others bits of drive to turn on. Border control neighbour has put a line of potted plants across their bit to keep everyone off...trouble is they have to move the pots to get their cars in and out...I wonder how long it will last and btw do you think i have too much time on my hands???
Anyway in the US our neighbour used to fire his huntin rifle in the garden on sunday afternoons to amuse the grandkids.
Before that our neighbour's in Surrey hobby was feuding with the council. No problem at all except he expected us to join in and used to put "My neighbour and I" in his letters. As there were only the two houses, we were kind of pinponted and had several chats with local officials before we twigged what was happening.
Before that we lived in Somerset where the neighbours used to get drunk on sunday afternoons and party right through till monday morning. The crescendo was screaming at each other at about 3 am monday. As we lived in a semi this was a whole heap of no fun so we cork tiled the party wall to muffle the noise....success! We heard later that the folk who bought the house stripped out the cork the first week they were in there...I often wondered what happened that first sunday ;-)
you get emails from yourself when your email address gets nicked off your, or a friend's can send emails to yourself, its quite a good way of saving things like gif images that need an html environment. you just copy paste it into an email and send it to yourself.
that's my geek moment over for the day
Morning ☼...lovely one it is too but I think the air's full of something, my eyes are sooo itchy.

Yes, Vinny you did the right thing trying to help but if she's a dodgy character it's a relief you didn't go into that house, she could have accused you of anything. I think it's instinct to go & help people but if possible it's best to get another person involved as back up. Of course they could be even dodgier!

I used to think living in isolation would be idyllic...not so now...lead me to a commune :o) I like having my own space but I like to know there are people around. I suppose I could be eating my words if I get a rabble next door.

erm, I send emails to myself...well I need to know I still exist, haha...No, I do it from one address to another so I can check it's working if I think there's a problem.
Well! You learn something new every day .Thank you Woofie .But I have to say I have never had an email from myself .Give it time :)

We had neighbours like that in London.It was quite a narrow road and people would sometimes have to pull slightly onto others driveways to turn their cars and they used to put a pot of plants out so nobody could get even get a back wheel onto their precious space. They used to come out ,remove the pot, get in the car ,pull onto the road,then she would get out and replace the pot .Dear oh dear ....Funnily enough I looked at our old house on Google Maps not long ago and had a zoom along ..and yes ....there was the pot :))
I will get to the shops at some stage today.
Well, here I is, and I eat my words, I said old women in shorts were awful, WELL, GUESS WHAT???? I wore shorts out today, nice knee length ones with creases down front and back and a black top and my glad sandals and everyone said how slim I was and even Mr N said I looked "OK"!! I was worried that I would look silly but hey ho a tan improves everything!!!!! Off to make Cornish pasties (no, not the ones with meat and veg in one end and jam at 'tother end a las miners!!) My daughter is being very fussy so I just make normak food and tell her it's the healthy option and she eats it!!!!
Well swedie I don't know about clickjacking being nasty or not, but 2 people here have had their computers b*ggered by this "clickjacking" ! They are furious!!
I'm registered on facebook (to keep my eye on my family, haha) but apart from general location & one school there's no other info. I think it's a disaster waiting to happen, I might take myself off, although I daresay all internet sites that you join have the potential for disaster. The things that did my (old) computer most harm were round robin emails that had passed on through lots of computers, particularly offices.
Afternoon all.

I am with Neti and Woofy about houses too.

I do have a couple of neighbours, one of which you know is giving us dreadful problems.

My ideal would be a small comfy house and nice size garden and loads of land around us with no neighbours at all. Preferable a wood behind the garden. I don't crave a large dwelling - more to clean and more expensive to run and keep maintained.

In fact, I would like a nice log cabin in a position of my choice. I can dream.

Robinia I am registered on facebook by my AB identity and like you use it to keep an eye on family and friends. No information is on there at all about me. Unfortunately I am nobodies friend so I can't actually get much information about anybody, except for sometimes seeing their list of friends.

Well, I have to go to the shops at some time today, but the garden is so inviting..............

Have a nice weekend everybody xx
That's why I'm on FB Robi, to keep tabs on mi hija! But she took me off of her friends list last week when I saw she was planning on partying all w/E long, so I said, right, no FB no car, I was on it again almost immediately!!!
I only have a few friends that I know and one or two from here and I'd be very surprised they turned out to be axe-wielding paedos!!!

There is an hairdresser from Toni and Guy working here for Thomsons this season so we are all getting haircuts for 10€, cept I'm not sure how to have it as I'm quite enjoying looking feminie at the moment!

Got results from mammogram, all OK! such a relief as I do not feel myself and I know I should. Do any of you?

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i'm on a roomba, dude!

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