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i'm on a roomba, dude!

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swedeheart | 19:33 Wed 20th Jan 2010 | Animals & Nature
510 Answers
Ha ha ha ha ha!

Is the cat just trying to get the dog out of the way for the dog's own protection, do you think? They seem friendly enough otherwise - the dog doesn't seem to mind, and the cat doesn't seem aggressive once it gets off the Roomba.


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Hi Jude, 'bob' is one of the hairstyles I've never understood - the word, that is. Google it and a multitude of styles come up! What is the common denominator?
My hair is similar to these but grey and white and not as attractive
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Helen Mirren can do no wrong. Looks very nice Jude:)
Kit this is the original bob hair cut
from the 1920's
Question Author
Ah yes Jude see that's what I mean when I say bob...! ...but Google Image comes up with all sorts.
It's the modern trend innit!!
I'm cracking up here I've just heard this on the radio. It always does that to me anybody else know it.
It always reminds me of me because I always used to take the man's part as I was always the tall one, Didn't mind but not all the time!
Haha Jude She's great Joyce Grenfell .Eng Lit is brilliant . Crawsed oars
I think it was her who said that happiness is getting out of your corsets of a night :)

Yes Neti ,but according to her Germans are creased and sleep in their clothes:) Silly mare .Wonder if she's ever slept with one :)
They are the cleanest of people .You could have eaten your dinner off my Mum in laws floor it was so spotless .She washed and ironed everyone rigourously !
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Won't load for me right now Jude:( but I'll try again later.

Hairstyles that would look nice on our Neti (and Helen popped up again, Jude!)
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*quickly draws the curtains over dirty windows lest Shaney starts Google mapping again* ;-)
'bob' is an old word for cutting a horse's tail short. First use of the verb in relation to women's hair 1918; first use of it as a noun, 1926. I'm going to have to redesign my shelves - my etymology dictionary is currently in a place I can only reach with my right hand, and my elbow's been giving me gyp, and by kneeling on the sofa, and I've got bites on my knees which really don't like being knelt on at the moment.

I mention this just to give you some idea of the agonies I go through to look up hairdressing terms.

On the plus sign I didn't need an anaesthetic at the dentist today. He was drilling by hand, not machine, trying to extract something from a root with a long pin thing, and it took ages (in fact this is the third session in whch he's been doing it, three weeks to dig three millimetres he says). Still another couple of sessions to go before I actually get a crown in place. Sigh.
I always look as if I've been pulled through a hedge backwards .I don't like my hair .It needs colouring at the 'mo and cutting .I get it looking Ok and then five minutes later it's all over the place again .I want to know who these people are who go to bed and get up with not a hair out of place and then just brush it and go. I always look as though I've had a fright .
Long hair was best for me but it'll never grow back like that anymore now .
Hi Jno you did have an injection to dull the pain though didn't you?

If you look on youtube for Joyce Grenfell and Stately as a Galleon you should get it Kit.
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I've used The Vitruvian Man as a hairstyle role model for years now, 'cept my hair isn't that curly. But my present hairdresser is really good at layering and gives it a great volume.

Jno do you think you could answer my dress question without standing on your knees;-) (I wondered if you'd been to see Audrey Hepburn's dresses...?)

Will do, Jude.
I was always having to put my hair in rollers and all sorts Shaney so I know how you feel but this bob business is the best thing I ever did cos it's so easy to manage. My hairdresser suggested it and she's been doing my hair for years so she knows well enough what to do.
I've seen Marilyn Monroe's dresses :))
I may have a chat with my hairdresser Jude about something different .My hair has thinned with this thyroid business so I have it layered and I can't stand my hair over my ears .I could grow the layers out I suppose but that would take forever!
Shaney Perhaps you could ask her/him about a root perm. That can give it a lift and make it look thicker. Especially if you have fine hair.

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i'm on a roomba, dude!

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