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i'm on a roomba, dude!

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swedeheart | 19:33 Wed 20th Jan 2010 | Animals & Nature
510 Answers
Ha ha ha ha ha!

Is the cat just trying to get the dog out of the way for the dog's own protection, do you think? They seem friendly enough otherwise - the dog doesn't seem to mind, and the cat doesn't seem aggressive once it gets off the Roomba.


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It wont make it curly by the way not like the old fashioned sort.
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Watched Stately As A Galleon now Jude, very funny and very true, that's what dance class has always been like for me ha ha; I just gave up, not good at dancing anyway and having to dance like a man didn't make it any better. I watched Eng Lit (one of them) too Shaney, very very funny:)) I've seen one of Marilyn's dresses, at MOMA, much more petite than I would have thought.

Easy Rider on the telly now so bye-bye!
You must be psychic Jude because I did talk to her about this at one stage .Its not fine my hair; in fact it's rather coarse but there's not so much of it as there used to be :) If I Iet it grow and colour it properly it seems to thicken up but that's when I start to resemble a hedge .
She did say I would have to grow it out a bit ,then she could do a root perm ( or was it a body perm )and cut it afterwards .I've only ever had my hair permed once ,back in the '80's ,one of those long curly perms .Do you remember that look .
Yes Shaney sure do. I went through all the different styles. Even had a DA (Ducks behind) when I was rocking and rolling in the early days. Had a long maroon jacket with a black velvet cvollar. split skirt and beetle crushers, what a sight I must have looked. Anyway back to hair! I hadn't had a perm for years and years, Must have been early 90's.
I hope you get sorted to how you would like it to be. I'm off to bed now so I'll say goodnight. Have a good weekend. x
I think I'll wend my weary way too Jude .Nite Nite .You have a good weekend too x
uh, Audrey Hepburn's dresses? I don't think so... run three of them together and I might just fit in it... But I don't think there are any of them around here. There's a Grace Kelly exhibition on in London, is that what you had in mind?
bloomin heck it's been like a library in here all day & I turn me back & you all wake up...<am I using the wrong deodorant I wonder?>
I s'pose my hair would be classed as a layered bob but I want the layers shorter & choppier & she never quite goes for it. My last hairdresser wouldn't chop it off either, she said it was nice & I probably wouldn't like it, grrrr...I've never had a perm in my life. mum used to sing 'Stately as a galleon' and she used to sing something along the lines of 'all of a sudden, a bloomin' great puddin' came flying through the air'...not a clue what that was.

I can't say as I've met many German people, but one of our teachers at school was - young, stunningly attractive & smart, made her own clothes, knitted her own jumpers. So very sadly she died (shortly after we left) of leukemia.

Well as I'm probably talking to myself I'll totter off to bed...better put me hairnet on & keep this hedge under control.
Oh looks like there's wild hair in Wooly
oh hello jno, so I wasn't alone after all?
<poke>...are you awake jno?...<POKE>...
not really, I should be in bed after a day at the dentist/ on the hedges, with a side trip to Waitrose, but somehow I ain't. I have to go to a BBQ in Essex tomorrow afternoon so I am just planning a train route. It doesn't say whether any of the trains are protected against clickjacking, though.
clickety jack...clickety jack...sounds like a train doesn't it?
sounds like a highwayman... 'tis Clickety Jack and his trusty steed Apple Mack
Morning all. I've had a asymmetical shag for over a year and wanted a change, but think I'll probably go back to it, which means colouring the underbit a darker shade and putting darker low-lights through the rest, Cannot possibly live with greying hair as it makes me looks awful, so old, doesn't suit me one bit! But at the front sides it is almost white which neans with a side parting I don't get as many roots showing so that's a plus!
asymmetrical shags? Too much information.

Just picked up some sleeping pills from the chemist. He warned me they might cause drowsiness, so that was useful.
a dispatch for Ibiza... a dispatch for Ibiza...


Oooh the bad manners are out today & some little grey haired old biddies get the rest of us a bad name...At our cash point there are 2 machines. Polite thing is to stand back in the middle, giving space & privacy & whichever becomes available first you move to that. Well booger me, not only does some man jump the queue but a little ole woman goes & stands RIGHT UP CLOSE behind him...yep, judgement on him, but if she'd done that to me I'd have turned & 'expressed my dismay', haha.
Anyway I was just pleased to have grabbed some essentials without keeling over or being thought to be drunk & disorderly.

My good news re dentists is that my appointment's 7th July, not 7th June as I thought!

... And my whole body is asymmetrical, including the way I walk, so maybe an asymmetrical shag would straighten me up a bit :o)
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G'day Clickety Jack, asymmetrical... shaggees...? and all. Yes jno I must have got Grace Kelly's dresses mixed up with Audrey Hepburn's, Hepburn's were on an auction last year and we talked about it in one of our threads. So, will you be going to see Grace Kelly's?

Neti I made a whole collage of hairstyles for you last night, did you see it or was it invisible hö hö hö;-) (she'll never live that one down;-) My apologies to any other biddies that would like my... er... expert fashion advice, can't do yous, can only do Neti cos she's the only one I've met. Speaking of fashion, in that Eng Lit vid last night she said "Clothes? Yes I like clothes - on others" ha ha ha, was that the same one you watched Shaney, there are several "episodes" on YouTube.

Was nice watching Easy Rider again last night
Ha Kit, that clothes comment sums me up entirely...some people are born woithout a toe or a finger, I was born without chic.
Nice little video that Kit...oh the hair-do's I saw those... I suppose the closest one to mine is the 2nd down on the left but she leaves the top layers too long & the bottom too thick. Helen M's hair looks lovely there but am I the only person in the world who doesn't like her? Don't know why, just don't.
Firstly, thank you jno for Sarumite,'s messgae.

I love the hairstyles Kit, but I can't find the asymmeticral shag, or did I dream it, that's the one I'll get (again) but by an English hairdresser who will no doubt understand more what it is supposed to look like.
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Asymmetrical shag at 20:26 last night Neti:)

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i'm on a roomba, dude!

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