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i'm on a roomba, dude!

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swedeheart | 19:33 Wed 20th Jan 2010 | Animals & Nature
510 Answers
Ha ha ha ha ha!

Is the cat just trying to get the dog out of the way for the dog's own protection, do you think? They seem friendly enough otherwise - the dog doesn't seem to mind, and the cat doesn't seem aggressive once it gets off the Roomba.


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Am off to watch Luther as the first one I downloaded, the ending was missing, I like him now, he's vulnerable! Also have the last Lewis to catch up on!
no neti, I'm not feeling myself today...oh haha, you mean examining...well I do but probably not thoroughly enough. I feel around my neck & under my arms a lot tho'. Good news about your mammo.
I'm the same with my hair, it desperately needs the hi/low lights doing but I don't know what to do about style. Part of me would love it chopped off really short but then it probably wouldn't feel like 'me'
I could never live in the middle of nowhere .I know I've moaned about the trampoliners but it's a small price to pay really for having practically everything on my doorstep.Sea ,beach,shops etc all within walking distance.
I can't drive and to have to be stuck somewhere that I couldn't get away from would give me a nervous breakdown especially if (God forbid) I was to be left on my own .
I've always lived cheek by jowl with other people wherever we've lived apart from when we bought our first house in a small village down the road from here .It was horrible and when we came back from Holland I felt isolated so we moved back to the town and then of course the big city beckoned and I loved it all the years we lived there ..

Luther is really good Neti :)
No I don't feel myself, not properly anyway. Should do I know, but I'm a real ostrich and have never been for a mammogram either and neither do I have smears. Noone can convince me I ought to. If I went for all these tests I would be in a constant state of anxiety. Fortunately, my doc. knows what I am like and doesn't nag me. If I am going to die young, then so be it. I am not as frightened of dying but I am frightened of hospitals. I am probably being extremely selfish.

If I find a lump or something suspicious then I will deal with it at the time.

I tried growing my hair in the winter because I fancied something more feminine but then suddenly got fed up and had it chopped back into its usual short and tousled, wispy look with straggly ends and was much happier. What I can't stand is 'hairstyles' as such. I just like the untidy look! It suits the rest of me.
best advice i ever had was do it in the shower (check self) it becomes a habit and you will notice any small changes. Happily and touching wood, there have been no changes to notice. I like long shorts Neti but my legs sticking out of them look like two stubby sticks of french asparagus so its a no go.
I go on FB too, wasn't a crazed axe murderer when i last checked but with my neighbours, give me time lol. I enjoy the games, keep my privacy locked down, NEVER click on anything I didn't choose to pull up and so far (wood again) so good.
I relocated the wasps today so am leaving them to settle down and for the stragglers to find the new nest location before i go back out there. DH was sure `i would get stung to bits but it was all fine.
I mentioned Slippery Elm Food to DH and he behaved as though i had suggested a truss and incontinence pads...actually i think the paddy did him good..he hadn't had a good old swear for ages.
Yeah with you on hairstyles (Hairdos) Lottie, But at mo I feel really feminine, but have such thick hair I just know I'll hack if off when it gets a bit hotter! My scalp actually sweats, or should I say glows! and I've got to look my best in Sept for family reunion! Hopefully Mr N is getting the pool up and running this w/e.

I like living here as it's in walking distance to beach (which I hate but like walking there in winter) shops, such pathetic offerings as they are, and hills etc (which I never go to cos of a fear of roaming dogs!) but wouldn't mind being a bit more out the way although no one can find us and you can't see it from anywhere. Next door neighbours are fine, never see them and keep themselves to themselves on one side and the other are nice but are also never there! Trouble is we have neighbours at the back since they built the one-storey apartments and they are Ok but of the cheaper variety of person and things are going missing from the gardens, not mine cos there's nothing there and I lock my laundry room everynight. As soon as we can I want to sell up and move to a little village on the mainland with no Brits (but within reach of British shops for when the urge takes me)!
Sorry woofy, didn't see you there!
I had a smear test last year and that's my lot, don't really think there's any need for any more!
wasn't that your last one last year Neti?
Yep woofy, legs are permantently closed to all traffic now!!!!!
haha, lol woofy, if MrW's strong enough to have a paddy he must be feeling better. It was the only thing that worked for me after having been given some (incorrect) antibiotics which ripped my insides apart...and a friend whose stomach just wouldn't settle after having a bad 'do' - one mugful & your lining's back. Pin him down & force feed him, haha.

Yes shaney, I think being able to drive (or not) has a bearing on how you want to live and as I've pointed out to some friends, even though you can now you might not always be able to drive. We're not in & out of each other's houses here but they're there ...if only to gossip about :o)

Probably said this before but a doctor told me that all this screening doesn't actually make a huge difference to the end result...I think he was saying, catch it early or late, if it's gonna get you it will. ...well that's a cheerful thought, haha
Oh dear, that sounds bad!!!!
But the breast screening showed that my sister had 3 tumours in her left breast and she only had the mammogram at her insistence, she didn't feel any lumps or bumps but was worried cos she hadn't had a check-up for about 3 years. We have regular mammograms every two years when we are called in to be squashed and pummelled!!
Well maybe one day there'll be blood detection tests for (all) cancers...this was on the recent news but they said it could be up to 10 years before it was available. To be honest I'd like a blood test for breast cancer...if it was positive it would be both off & a new pair please. I've told my sister & she's the same.
Hello there hope you're all having a good day. Neighbours, I have had all sorts, but truly no-one I didn't get on with. At the mo there is a couple on one side I would say are in their 50's. We chat now and then but they keep themselves pretty much to themselves. The other side is a young woman with 'adult kids' and a young boy about 7 who is footie mad so we get on well. She has another son 18 who was a little be off the rails only to do with school though and he is now working hard at college and is doing painting and decorating. But after all that we did have one family in the Close which was a pain in the proverbial but they only stayed about 2 years which was enough. I have lived here for 46 years now and unless I win the Lotto I will be staying here.

I have all the tests I'm entitled to but I never really check myself. I have not long back had a mammgram and it was ok. You'd have heard about it if it hadn't been Lol!
After my discharge from hospital (colitis) I had to go to the Drs and he said because I have to take the tabs all the time now I have to have reg blood tests because they can affect my liver so bu**er me if I didn't have to go for another blood test this morning when I thought all was ok. But then he's only doing his job and keeping his eye on me.

Changing the subject I've been and bought Johnny Depp,s Alice in Wonderland on DVD today. Will have to find some time when I wont be interrupted to watch it.

And finally,,, I have put up my England Flag at my bedroom window, It is a very discreet one, not large, like the lads have put up round and about.

See yer later 'gater(s)!
Robi, my poor sister couldn't have reconstruction as her skin is too thin, but as she's very very thin with tinyish breasts it doesn't notice too much.

Sorry jude, have seen bits of "Alice" and freaks me out. Not very childlike anymore. I'll stick to the Disney Version, not that it was ever my favourite story! don't like Winnie the Pooh either!!!
In the football, I support Espana and England, but would not ever put an English flag up, not sure if it's legal here, the neighbours wouldn't approve at all!!!
once you're in the Dr/hospital loop Jude you never get out... before they all went computerised a porter used to wheel my records in on trolley - when they had available any that is :o)
ha ha Robi in out hospital they wheel the patients records in wheelchairs cos there are no trollies!!

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