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i'm on a roomba, dude!

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swedeheart | 19:33 Wed 20th Jan 2010 | Animals & Nature
510 Answers
Ha ha ha ha ha!

Is the cat just trying to get the dog out of the way for the dog's own protection, do you think? They seem friendly enough otherwise - the dog doesn't seem to mind, and the cat doesn't seem aggressive once it gets off the Roomba.


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They only found my sis in laws breast cancer through the routine mammogram and I always go although I tend not to fumble about with my bazooms too much . I do feel under my arms and that though now and again when bathing etc .
We also had the poop test come through which I did and sent off .It was all clear ,but you think I could get the old chap to do it ?
Eventually.. but only by persistent nagging :)
I have to go for regular blood tests anyway for the thyroid and smears I don't need 'cos I've had a hysterectomy and that was the best days work ever :).
I have blood tests every 6 months for the old thyroid!
Yes,mine are every six months too Neti and ever more shall be so .. until I turn my toes up :)
I shouldn't be worrying then should I? I suppose it's just like being diabetic. I have a friend who has to have blood tests regularly because of that. I'm just at the beginning of getting used to it I imagine. Thanks for sharing I feel better now.
I think we all need a tap on the arm, hahahaha
Haha Robinia ,my GP has got a permanent tap on my arm.He always smiles when he sticks the needle in for some reason . He must have enough of my blood to build me a new body by now :)
Hi again,

I actually managed to make the effort to go and get food enough for the weekend, so shall now remain firmly put.

I know if I am left on my own I will have to move because I can't manage this house and the garden by myself, but I do love my house, even if I hate my new neighbour.
I shall live in a village with an Age concern bus in a little house with a garden that is so loaded up with plants that I can't see whether I have a neighbour or not.

I'm a bit reclusive when it comes to my home. As much as I love people, I hate unexpected visitors or the fact that people might be able to see into my garden or through my windows and would hate it if neighbours popped round. Fortunately, my neighbour over the road, who is also a good friend, is just the same so I never go over there without warning her.

Funny how people are so different.

I must admit the thought of not having a car fills me with dread, but it will happen sooner or later. We only have two buses a week and I have to walk 1/2 mile to the bus stop. There is a bus to Kings Lynn on a Tuesday, and I presume there is one back and the other bus goes to Fakenham on a Thursday (market day) at 10.00a.m. and one comes back at 12.00 midday!

I am a good girl and now go for my six monthly BP tests and I do have regular tests for RA and thyroid!! but I just can't bring myself to go for a mammogram. And unfortunately, I think Robinia's doctor might well be right.

See you soon.

Gosh I am rambling on................
Our doctors here don't do blood tests, we have to make an appointment and get there at about 7.30 to get in with a chance of getting out for brekkie!!!! When we have to take urine samples in they give us little sterilised plastic cups and when the deed is done we pop on the top and insert a syringe thingy which automatically (when pressed down) sucks up the urine. We then discard the pot and take the little phial to the extraction office!! (at 8am)
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Evening. Two buses a week...! Would turn me into a basket case. On the other extreme, people here run down the escalator and push people out of their way to catch a metro train even though everybody knows there's another one coming a minute later. And everybody just has to go into either the first or the last compartment? wagon? cos that way they'll be closer to the exit at the station where they get off. One funny driver pointed out through the loudspeaker system that if we've ever wondered what it is that keeps the first and the last wagon together well here's a revelation: It's all the wagons between them!! (In other words: Try one of those, sometime, instead of all cramming yourselves into the same one.)

I'm not saying I'm just asking: Is there much point in feeling under your arms and around your neck, cos if you feel something there, won't that be metastases? Shouldn't you go straight for the bazooms? I'm not good at doing either, I'm in many ways like you Lottie, "ostrichising" over medical things. There was some good news from some Swedish scientists the other day

Been laughing at your neighbour stories, not least Shaney spotting the same old flower pot on Google Maps ha ha!

Woofy, the saving gifs in a html environment bit. I know what html is but I save all images including gifs in My Pictures...?
Shaney, I still stand by what I said, the Germans are one of the smartest tourists we have and they are clean, which can't be said for most of the chavvy Brits.
Oh hello swedie, sorry didn't see you there. I was wondering where you had gone, was hoping that your machine hadn't been b*ggered!!!!
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Hello Neti, nope it's still going strong and new dirty emails from myself today ha ha! I'm googling hair-dos for you. I think you could get away with something asymmetrical, don't you?
But I've just done asymmetric, and it's grown out. Am enjoying being feminine esp now that I've a bit of weight! That's a good idea, I shall also google hairstyles!

If I don't do something quickly I'll end up like this ha ha!!
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I just found one called "asymmetrical shag", erm...
Sounds interesting!
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"Asymmetrical shag", isn't that, like... something from the Kama Sutra... Here it is, looks nice. How long is your hair now Neti?
Hi Lottie you're so right. We are all different and yet we get on. My Dad said he had 4 kids and they all have different personalities. We are so close and are there for each other but I bet we couldn't live together. I love people coming anytime in fact my sis has just turned up and had a cuppa with me. We sat outside and had a good natter aboujt this and that.
All being well we are going to see my son play in his Dire Straits tribute band tomorrow night. Haven't been out at night for quite a while and definitely not to my usual haunt. It got a bit boring. I used to like it before my Rock and Rolling friend got married. She stopped going after that so I have no-one to do it with. When my other friend;s mum is better then perhaps we will go again.

Have a lovely weekend everyone whatever you are going to do.
Bye for now x
Hi Neti and Kit ~ The last post I saw before i posted was Lotties. I wasn;t ignoring you both ~ Have a lovely weekend too. I have an old fashioned bob now but it is so easy to manage.

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i'm on a roomba, dude!

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