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Site Suggestions

Welcome To The AnswerBank Suggestions. If you have a suggestion for a site improvement, please post it here. We're all ears when it comes to site improvements so make sure you offer ideas how your idea would work, and why it would make the site better.

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I am a 50 yr old single man with mental health problems,i live alone in a nice block of flats,the flats are purpose built for single people,and most of the other people are around my age. We don't...
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5-1=4, 4-1=3, 3-1=2, 2-1=1, 1-1=? (3,4,5,4,4)
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If I post a question, and someone replies with a pointless non-answer such as "I don't know" the system considers that my question has been answered, and ceases to flag it as an unanswered...
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how do i put a photo on, instead of showing the standard image
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33D Bizarre?
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I recently joined a forum and startlingly an image of mine appeared there that I hadn't uploaded, I was baffled and so were the admins of the forum for a while. It turned that it came from Gravatar...
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How about a section for the questions which cannot readily be catergorised. eg. "where can I find a ready reckoner to convert kilogrammes to pounds"
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Hi busy site running folks, sorry to bother you. I think Gravatar are dodgy, is there an alternative image storing site AB could use (eg. photobucket). It seems as though Gravatar store images and...
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Ed, I think it's time AB had a bit of re-generation. I mean, the colours are.....well, grim. Don't you think the choice of colours makes the site look a bit dull? Look at the topics and latest posts...
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I am getting somewhat frustrated by the fact that, before my completion of typing a reply to a question, the screen suddenly 'comes-up' with another thread and all that I have typed is then lost. Are...
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controlling device -e-u-a---
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Can anyone suggest how I can remove a very bad dog urine stain on my carpet please?
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Would it be possible to have "latest posts " shown? When a lot of people are posting, its hard to keep up! The comments are often listed as latest posts for only a minute.....
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Hi A friend of mine is starting up a business as a wedding photographer. She has already done a few weddings. She asked me recently if I could think of some quirky names for the three wedding packages...
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Hi Ed Just noticed that the Share button is coming up automatically when I am in the Society & Culture section. Needs to be clicked everywhere else....
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As a new laptop user does anyone know how on earth to keep a laptop clean?,especially the screen and keyboard,driving me mad!.
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Would it be at all possible to have an automatic spell corrector inbuilt into all topics of AnswerBank. I am getting heartily sick of trying to read some O/Ps & having to constantly decipher them...
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When I put up a link it shows on my Facebook page - how come ?
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I have been wondering if the Ed could introduce A.B.S.O.s ( AnswerBank Sod Off's) to replace Answer Removed. We could have degrees of A.B.S.O eg. Minor Transgression A.B.S.O. 1- Suspended for 1week (...
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I typed a post on this thread and the post seems to have disappeared beyond the far right? Could someone have a look please as it appears to have happened to other posters as well....

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