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Site Suggestions

Welcome To The AnswerBank Suggestions. If you have a suggestion for a site improvement, please post it here. We're all ears when it comes to site improvements so make sure you offer ideas how your idea would work, and why it would make the site better.

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AB Editor
Frequently Asked Questions
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I have the categories to my left <<<< not the right >>>>> what am I doing wrong? ;-) 'select the most relevant category from the menu on the right side of the screen'...
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How about a button like on Facebook, where you can 'Like' a person's reply to a question?
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AB Editor
The AnswerBank Tutorial
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hi ed, I have recently upgraded to explorer 9 beta, however in doing so I can no longer post a question, is there any fix for this?? (im on my iphone atm)
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I called and kidded my girl friend from my office number. Without knowing that I have called, she called back to my office number and spoken very very very harshly with filthy words to the...
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I am a man in my late 20s and have started losing my hair. I was thinking of getting a #1 allover and keeping it this short all the time. My question is do women like this look or men that have gone...
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If a question is good enough to stir a healthy debate and merit several good replies, why suspend or banned the questioner? I understand banning users like Bimlegend and Bamknobby, but, not all users...
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Mostly by people that can't do crosswords. Any way to automerge these with the originating question when they realise a mistake has been made, but the poster doesn't realise they can simply add to...
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How about a dedicated ''What did Santa bring? / What did you get? / This is what I got" sticky thread for a couple of weeks so we can somehow bypass the 387 Million inevitable threads from the...
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Now it's against the rules to post stuff unrelated to the topic heading, how do I get a message to someone to tell them to look at something I've written elsewhere? Chatterbank won't do because the...
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Hi Ed.....I had hoped that you would have commented in my earlier thread:- http://www.theanswerb...Question962754-4.html You may agree that response were quite humorous, despite the fact that few folk...
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Dearest Ed, would it be possible to have a small number appear next to each topic which would indicate the number of unanswered questions in said topic? This would solve the problem of the present...
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Not really a suggestion and don't know whether this has come up before so please be patient with me if it has been questionned already. Thanks. When someone posts a question and you receive a few...
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Where I hang my hat this is the definition: Its fondly and commonly used -wonder why its been changed in the filter to 'Lady' ? Does that mean lass,pet or...
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AB Editor
Site Rules
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Most of today's unusually large and offensive supply have been suspended as soon as they hit the ground, either by moderators or by robots that have detected overposting. However, their posts remain...
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Now I have to say that this one thing that tees me off.There is nothing to indicate that a thread has been closed (that i can see). I use the following as an example:...
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Only AB regulars and established AB users should be allowed to post in CB, it should have a by invitation only access password that only those the ed deems responsible and grown up enough to have can...
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I am anxious to see the further up-date of AB and, as the Ed is already in the Christmas spirit, perhaps a few suggestions from us could be of assistance to him. For instance, should we call for a...

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