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Site Suggestions

Welcome To The AnswerBank Suggestions. If you have a suggestion for a site improvement, please post it here. We're all ears when it comes to site improvements so make sure you offer ideas how your idea would work, and why it would make the site better.

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China Doll
As you can see, in work not a problem to post. At home in the evening, just not happening. Just need to know if I need to re-register a name for home use or if it's a problem my end? I don't seem to...
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Are other ABers getting sent the same email link to their questions, no matter how many different questions are posted.?
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Hi, I notice you can report a thread but not an individual. I noticed there are one or two users answering threads by bombarding them with abusive reply's. Can we not have a facility to report...
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Is it possible for some posters to be exempt from the 'posting ceiling' that results in time in the dungeon. I am referring for example to the Waterboatman thread from 4a.m. - 11a.m. daily. It is, in...
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between the easter chicks and the autumn leaves ones there are some summer flowers, could you have a search under your desk Ed and try to get them up there whilst the weather is so good?
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I think this is long overdue and as I haven't asked for a while (and even if i had they will have all been zapped) I felt it was wholly appropriate to maintain some continuity by asking again. No One...
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I am a single parent, i have recently been moved from income support to JSA, which is fine, however JSA rules states that if i do not actively seek work they can stop my money also fine. Now heres the...
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Panic Button
It has troubled me for a while that after a long period away, the 'Ethel' that appears now writes in a different way. While mulling over this thread
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what happened to dot.haWkes ..... who isdDot.haUkes?
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As we are all awaiting the all new AB 3.0 can I ask that the "crack team of techies!" actually test all features in all browsers (as any good web developer would) It is constantly raised on here that...
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Why am i not getting email notifications for responses to my questions? My email address is correct.
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Could there be a separate Sub Section within Quizzes and Puzzles for those who are merely publicising newly published (charity) quizzes, with deletion after the closing date. This would prevent...
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I do not understand the purpose of it and cannot see what answerbank would gain from using it, I have managed to work out how it operates and still have come to the same conclusion.
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What is the matter with this site this afternoon, I've been on here for an hour and it's crashed 5 times. This seems to happen lots of times and it's about time something was done about it. or am I...
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seeing as chatterbank questions are normals goodmorning or isnt the weather lovely, shouldnt the recent posts box not include such chitchat, and allow it to show serious questions that are of greater...
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I'm new to this site and put all my questions seperate. How do I delete them all and start again, putting them in one entry?
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There is a 'Compatability View' Feature on this which helpfully states ?Websites designed for older Browsers will often look better, and problems such as out-of-date menus, images or text will be...
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Is it possible to arrange my settings so that I don't automatically receive notification of replies to my posts?
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will the technical team be able to stop people like knobby registering loads of green names to pretend he is actually defending us against the onslaught of abusive trolls? I am hoping it will, I feel...
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To all the ABer on here and the Ed team happy easter xx

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