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woofgang | 09:50 Thu 23rd Feb 2006 | Site Suggestions
506 Answers
lol at the last entry, go take a look see if you do too (that's to make it a question!)


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I always find those niches that they have in Spain and Italy rather nice .Plus graveyards seem much better tended on the continent than here .You don't see rows of lopsided gravestones and angels with their harps and noses missing .
It's a dear old do to die in Germany too .There is no more room for my poor old Mutti in the family grave so she has decided to be cremated and the urn buried anonymously in a new place they have opened up near where she lives . We don't want this but it's her wish .I would like her urn to go in with Pa in Law but then of course we end up paying for the plot for the foreseeable future and she doesn't want us burdened with the cost of it all .
You have a plot there for 25 years and then you either have to renew it or they reuse it .
Don't panic ..still over forty posts to go until the big 500 .
You'll just have to do smoke signals or txt spk .
And if not we'll just go and chunter in my strawberry patch ..booger it .:))
We may all be ashes by then!
Neti! Biddies do not go gentle into that good night!

Hm, no, I've never been much of a twister, Robinia unlike some. This is more my kind of ship, been there a couple of times.
hahaha, lol, thanks for that, more ammo for the sproutman no doubt...

oh lovely grub, dessert looks favourite but I'm a bit worried they serve up sparra's, no wonder they're scarce...& I thought that said Trollpsdunking...time for my medication....
My mother was forever dishing up stewed knees and sparra's ankles .The sparra's were Ok but I always found the ankles a bit salty . shaney...and how about a bit o' scrag end?

by heck, it's sunny but so cold here today...the thing is if you put on your vest this early in the autumn you never have it off again until April....

Morning Folks and twisting patricia.
Had an E.Mail from ED.
He wants netti to clarify (even do little "favours" if nesessary!) cause he's off to ibiza for the weekend and willy thats his name..could do with some personal attention..hehe..!(:O) blimey,breast of lamb tied up in strung was the most expensive meat we ever saw in our house,well apart from the chicken that use to be on the table every sunday...and on xmas day they would cook it and we would eat it...bit tuff he was..hahahaha..! (*_0)
I'll give him favours, slap 'im around a bit!!!

We always had breast of lamb roast on a Wednesday and a proper roast on Sunday, I hated those dinners, always ate the dry crusts of bread for the ducks. Mum tried to give the ducks a beef sandwich or somesuch, but no I wouldn't eat it.
Bum bra!

Now biddies, in honour of the new Ed, we'll have to wear these with our libbies!
Oooer..that looks a bit draughty round the nether regions Neti .. .I like to keep my extremities well padded in this lot
Why do these weather elves say "Passing showers " ..fibbers !
Why don't they just cut to the chase and say "Persistently *issing down " instead .
Hello Biddies everywhere.

I don't mind what they do with me when I'm dead as long as they are sure that I am!!

Went to a lovely performance of 'Carousel' last night by an am dram group called The Good Companions.(T'bag was in the band.)

Don't fancy the bum bra looks very uncomfortable, even worse than the thong!!

Cuppa time see yer later'gater(s)

Sorry can't hear you, my bottom is up by my cheeks,
Yes, we've had a drop of horizontal rain here too today
These weather reports make me scream, even the local radio ones (from a few miles down the road) can't get it right. Don't they ever look through the bloomin' window?!

oh crikey, now we won't know whether neti's coming or going
Afternoon, bums. " I've hated my bottom for the past decade, and now it hates me, too" - ha ha ha!

"Sparra" = sparrow? Anyway "sparris" (as seen on the restaurant boat) is asparagus.

Better tell you about my shiatsu now as promised or I'll never get a round tuit: For my last birthday my two half-sisters gave me a gift certificate to a place called the Buddha Spa, and I chose to turn it into an hour and a half of shiatsu. When making the appointment a few weeks ago I mentioned to the masseuse that I'm kind of frail and she says that's fine, she does a gentle kind of shiatsu. Oh LOOOOOOORD it felt as if she were driving a truck across me...! If that's her being gentle... but the odd thing is it felt really good - she knew what she was doing. When I entered the place the first thing I saw was a sort of beach hut in a corner of the room, i.e. the same room where the reception desk was - it looked a lot like this but smaller and there was a thin mattress on the floor. "Wonder what that hut's in aid of" I thought to myself, and yep you've guessed it - that was where the shiatsu took place. Music and street sounds merged and drowned my screams ha ha... and I myself was trying to hide my tears of pain 'cos I was afraid she'd stop if she saw how much it hurt... but as I say it was a good pain. The aches that followed weren't, but it passed after two days. Once isn't enough really, you'd have to have a whole series of say 5-6 massages to know for sure if it's good or bad for you personally, but I liked it. shiatsu

Oh no... Neti what have you done...

I don't think shiatsu is for me...some of it looks far too dodgy, you wouldn't want your bum poking through your bra when you went, haha.
I remember some yrs back when my problems with pain started a friend suggested shiatsu. I told him it just looked like legalised molestation to me which he found quite funny but agreed that you did have to trust the person doing it....I'm seriously considering acupuncture, 'specially for headaches.

Well I like the bum-bra..!
is there a zip at the back..? (:O)
neti!! have you got ya toe-tectors on ? there's a man here needs his bum lifting.....

> > > > > >
She cant hear na na na na..!(:O)
ha!! you're forgetting I was a girl guide...
oh poop, can someone put my shoulder back in?

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